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The Diamond Report w/ Doug Diamond - The Concise, Convoluted Covid Conspiracy

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 203 المشاهدات
203 المشاهدات
نشرت في 17 Nov 2020 / في فيلم والرسوم المتحركة

The Diamond Report w/ Doug Diamond - The Concise, Convoluted Covid Conspiracy

#covid19hoax #plandemic #thediamondreport

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice منذ 4 سنوات  

And The Teacher Spoke…, Do as Thou Wilt shall be the Whole of The LAW is the Mantra of every Church of SATAN FREE MASON Lodge Member in our Lands, and since we nonmason now have all the PROOF we need in a Court of LAW to Arrest all MASON for High Treason, Sedition, and Treachery doing their Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 where This UNITED NATIONS International Mafia of FREE MASON CORPORATION Capitalist have sprayed our skies with TOXIC WASTE from all this PLASTIC made of BLACK GOO known as the Oil and Gas Industry, and is the Actual Cause of (COVID19), do you Masons really think we NONMASON have not had the time to plan and play your Demise with your Fake Space TV Shows where the many Think NASA landed on the Moon cause you Mason Kids lie about everything.?.?.?.? The Only Good MASON is a Dead Mason, and from Jobs Daughters too Rainbow Girls from Demolay to Shriners from EASTERN STARS too your Zionist Jesuit O.T.O. Kabbalah Zohar the FAKE JEWS in the Book of REVELATION, we the REAL JEWS whom you MASONS have renamed WE THE PEOPLE aka MUSLIMS – Christians – Hindus, and all the REST Now see that since the 1970’s when you used to Dump your Corporate Waste into our Rivers, and Lakes, and killed many of we nonmason Citizens in our Nations cause NO ONE [Knew] @Qball~ /_\ You FREE MASON Lodges had this {Gangster System} / * \ of THE FRATERNAL BROTHER HOOD of Corporate C.O.P.S. where on the TV News Screens you people say: 20 Veterans commit SUICIDE a day when it is actually FREE MASON [U.S. COPS] killing U.S nonmason Soldiers in Secret……., and then since MASONS Control all Media from Printed too International Newspapers, you just do your INK ON PAPER to say this or that’ whenever you murder one of we your Fellow Citizens in these U.N. FLAGS with your Vatican Corporations called this {NEWS} WORLD ORDER Military Empire where you Masons run the U.S. Government and U.S. Military…..., and you had to Shut down the Whole Wide World cause all your U.S. Military “Bases” SPRAY our National Constitutional Skies with CON-Trails known as TOXIC WASTE aka (covid19) that is murdering all WE THE PEOPLE as you MASON own all the Hospital Staff from all Masonic Corporations making PLASTICS you NEVER Recycled….., and this WAR IS MURDER Agenda when all (U.N. Flags} Supreme Courts say: Murder is against the LAW of our FLAG, but you MASONS just call it Collateral Damage, and then Murder our nonmason Moms and Dads, Bomb our nonmason Friends and Neighbors, and then keep doing more MUD FLOOD WARS since we were all “Incubator Babies” and FORCED SLAVE LABOR known as Child EMPLOYEE U.S. FLAG Corporate Labor from 1893 to 1933 where then you MASONS raised us on your TV Shows, Your Radio Shows, your High School Dances and [Hazing Parties] Q’ at your Collage FRAT Houses and Sororities….., and now that all “nonmason” CITIZENS know it is You’m MASONS whom run our Courts and our TOWNS all the way to the PRESIDENTIAL Kings and Queens of each U.N. FLAG, WE THE PEOPLE shalt have [pay back] Q+ on all MASONS be they young too old for all MASONS are {Oath Breakers} to their OATH OF OFFICE, and the LAW Says: Traitors must Die by the hands of them they so have harmed as “U.N. Troops” in our Police – Military, and G4S Academy Types… The Book of EXODICE!!!

Remember, Remember, The 5th of December where MASONS in every Nation shall die by the hands of WE THE PEOPLE whom are The Society of nonmason~ that Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…

The Sentinel…

Had too shut down the whole wide world cause (COVID19) is caused by all them CHEM TRAILS in our Skies known as TOXIC WASTE Dumps of all them “Chemicals” you MASON CEO Corporatist use in making your PizzaGATE Weapons of Mass Destruction from the Plastics in McDonald Happy Meals to the Styrofoam [Take Out Platters] +=+ that fill the LAND FILLS and Garbage Dumps of this World as the U.S. NAVY Dumps Toxic Waste into the Oceans “killing” all the Whales and Fish, and even the Sharks of the sea, and since all U.N. FLAGS have U.N. Troops in our {Police and Military} then the CDC of the WHO is just one more continuing Operation of JADE HELM 15 too murder as many WE ARE the REAL JEWS known as the nonmason CITIZENS of this world…

Johnny Exodice LIVES!!!

Remember Remember The 5th of December 2020 A.D. when all MASON aka The JEWS whom are not JEWS in the Book of REVELATION wilt and Shalt die… For how can you be a JEW when you say: There is no GOD……., and Satan and Fake Space “Science” RULE?.?.?.?.?

The Commander~


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