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Tennessee Executive Order 83 Authorizes Concentration Camps

Land of the Free
Land of the Free - 1,048 Ansichten
1,048 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 12 Aug 2021 / Im Non-Profits & Aktivismus

Stay far away from evil. This is not the time to have a covid test or even go somewhere where you might need one. This is not time to be confrontational for the fun of it and thus end up on some list.This is insanity. I am past ready for the good guys to wipe out this evil. In the meantime all I can do is pray - and share this on UGE Tube.

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milesjake405 3 Jahre vor

I don't know what is supposed to be their goal. Did they make the vaccine to kill all the lazy people who don't have responsibility and then confine the rest into camps for labor? Seems to me like they are just killing off their supporters. They tried to release a bioweapon which failed. Is this just a theatre to collapse the economy? They have already failed so much, but they definitely still have a lot of money. People need to admit to themselves existence of these camps, then evade, protest and build their own parallel structures as described by Vaclav Havel. Maybe the only ones who will die in the end are covid believers who didn't prepare and thought that concentration camps will somehow bring them back to normal as camps will be for some time voluntary before they become mandatory. I just hope it won't go nuclear and china won't try any bigger takeovers.

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expat1689 3 Jahre vor

Tennessee you know who these POS politicians are that is destroying your life and nation. Vote them all out from the top to the bottom. Put in better people that has the country and the people in mind. THE PEOPLE RUNS THE GOVERNMENT NOT THE GOVERNMENT RUNNING THE PEOPLE LIKE SHEEP. YOU are NOT non-essential... You have the rights under GOD and the COMMON LAW to live your life with the freedoms that has been given to you and entitled to.

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