Sweden Vaxx Passport Under Your Skin, Forbes Says Vaxx Changes Your DNA & It's Just One Ant
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Sources used in video:
Sweden has all been a lie - https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/microchip-containing-your-vaccine-passport-information-can-now-be-embedded-your-hand
Prosecute these incompetent idiots - https://breaking911.com/just-in-health-dept-in-maryland-says-they-gave-dozens-of-kids-expired-covid-vaccine/
WHO says booster not needed, UK says vaxx all the kids - https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/81324/world-health-organization-says-no-evidence-booster-jabs-would-offer-greater-protection-to-the.html
Oops, Forbes says vaxx alters DNA then backtracks - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/forbes-changes-headline-admits-mrna-vaccines-alter-dna-change-back/
Astra Zeneca figures it all out - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10266585/AstraZeneca-uncovers-trigger-blood-clots-jab.html
World bank head admits if they don't have immunity, they don't give the jabb - https://rumble.com/vq4nmw-world-bank-president-on-pfizers-vaccine-hesitancy.html
This is floating around, is it real - https://thetruereporter.com/was-there-a-hidden-message-for-help-on-an-irish-news-clip-about-covid-19-jabs/
Traitors to our country vote with democrats for national vaccine database - https://beckernews.com/betrayal-80-republicans-vote-with-radical-dems-to-pass-dangerous-federal-vaccination-database-bill-43341/
UN says Biden travel ban is apartheid - https://www.breitbart.com/africa/2021/12/02/u-n-denounces-bidens-south-africa-ban-travel-apartheid/
Who cares, stay strong and attack these fuckheads - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/12/02/merkel-announces-restrictions-on-unvaccinated-vote-on-making-jabs-compulsory/
Stay strong against these dictators, they will back down one way or another - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10266269/Chicago-DROPS-vaccine-mandate-lawsuit-against-police-union.html
Not guilty? Just face your punishment punk - https://resistthemainstream.org/new-footage-of-michigan-high-school-shooting-leaves-prosecutor-speechless-i-dont-have-the-words/?utm_source=telegram
It never happens, it's just talk - https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1466501471894216711
Everything the democrats touch turns to shit - https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/cook-county-blows-past-1k-homicides-for-first-time-in-almost-thirty-years/
Another sick democrat gun violence hoax - https://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2021/12/02/iowa-teacher-accused-of-writing-threatening-notes-at-school-n52838
Think these robots aren't real, think again - https://www.disclose.tv/humanoid-robot-ameca-set-to-make-public-debut-in-2022/
Steve Inman - https://twitter.com/SteveInmanUIC/status/1466671470730309634
I Think My Dog's a Democrat Bryan Lewis Official Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3VLqLLWxbQ
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For the Public THINKING about taking the JAB....YOU WILL NOT GET A SALINE SHOT !! and the SHOT you will Get, Would be, The SUICIDE..Russian-Roulette shot

Ever wonder Why ALL Vaccinated People are not sick Bad, and dead? Moderna, J&J, and Fyza..Have Stategicly Placed Vaccines..1-3 or more...#1 is nothing more than Saline...Like the same shot Moron Biden took in front of the Public, Right up to the absolute KILLER..spread Strategically through out the World..Targeting The Most healthy..such as Athletes / Patriots in Important Places....WHY?
Because If they Started with the Lethal shot for everyone....The Game would have Been all Washed UP 2 years AGO!!
Even STUPID People Would not take the Vax, watching People drop dead all around them!!

Please Mr. Chuck Norris, Let me Spare you of your time and money, DO not come out to my House, LOL IF I was a Skunk, I wouldn't have a Cent, Hahahahaha

Australia, new Zealand, The UK, Canada and Many more...Under The " Satanic CROWN " where EVERY SINGLE Policeman is corrupt, Where every Citizen has Been DIS-ARMED, Where The MEDIA is In 100% control, Where the people are SO Locked DOWN, Its almost IMPOSIBLE for People To ASSEBLE IN Numbers.........
God Save the QUEEN???....... LOL I Fuckin dont think SO !!