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Supreme Court Rules Covid Vaccine is Unsafe

Casey Edwards
Casey Edwards - 1,412 Ansichten
1,412 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 10 Oct 2021 / Im Nachrichten & Politik

The internationally renowned immunologist goes on to describe a process that he says will kill the vast majority of people: “Immediately after the first vaccination, about 0.8% of people die within two weeks. The average life expectancy of survivors will be a maximum of two years, but it also decreases with each new “injection”.

” Additional vaccines are still being developed to cause deterioration in certain organs, including the heart, lungs and brain. After two decades at Pfizer, Professor Yedon was familiar with the functions and research and development goals of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, and states that the ultimate goal of the current “vaccination” regime can only be a massive demographic event that will make all world wars put together, like Mickey’s staging Mouse.

“Billions of people have already been sentenced to certain, inevitable and painful death. Anyone who receives the injection will die prematurely, and three years is a generous estimate of how long they can survive.”

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27618 3 Jahre vor

Excuse me, that's right...its the " love" of money....thanks for the coorrection.

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johngaltdurden 3 Jahre vor

Why the completely in accurate click bait title? Do you realize you’ve lost all credibility now, correct?

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hatbox 3 Jahre vor

This was a surprise, but very good news. It's time to stop the mRNA injections.

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27618 3 Jahre vor

"Money Is the root of all evil."

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Lolita Bilu
Lolita Bilu 3 Jahre vor

Actually... Its THE LOVE of money is the root of ALL EVIL.

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