Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett Turns Down Request From Indiana University Students to Block
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Martin Brodel
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Hotchkiss, Colorado
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I'm glad to see you are just as crazy as you were before. JFK living on a island, very nice. Hey Martin tell the people on this site how you said that Trump is the president of the world. I have the video of you saying it if you lost yours.

Once again confusion. Because previously they said that she's been taken away along with a few other people. So how can this be about turning down a request from Indiana University?.

But I heard something about John F Kennedy Junior saying that he's going to do everything he can to find out who killed his father. It was in one interview somewhere.

Marty, I understand your reason for turning off comments on BitChute. I would too. I feel your frustration with a lack of action by the military although Gen Berger’s rant against the secdef’s vaccine order was good news.
I think you are being used and duped by your “ source” . He is stroking your ego, making you feel special while giving you false information and making you dispense hopium. You’re right, we need proof. Without proof we have nothing. Plenty of nothing is what your source is giving you. I think you need to step back and focus on what is real and stop making predictions which will not happen because those failed predictions ruin your viewers states of mind, as they are designed to do by your “ source”. I think you are succumbing to stress as we all do from time to time. You are putting yourself under stress by taking the advice and false information from your “source” and expecting positive results which will not happen. Your psyche is being battered by this. Time to take a rest from the prognostications. I suspect you mean the best and have been told to hold the line by someone, but it’s time to be contrite and move on.