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State Senator Trent Garner challenges antigun stats, asks everytown if they would want a gun to stop a shooter

Kenny W
Kenny W - 1,140 Views
Published on 10 Sep 2018 / In People and Blogs

The Arkansas State Legislator held hearings on several antigun draft bills and hearings on school safety. Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson hinted that he was interested in "red flag" laws. These laws allow bureaucracies to randomly decide that citizens can no longer bear arms based on health reasons.
Like the tax taskforce, and other attempts to increase the size of government, Governor Hutchinson is trying to see how much heat he gets from conservatives before enacting globalist policies.

Livestream of the anti-gun draft bill hearings scheduled for the benefit of Moms Demand Action.

another livestream of the meeting. This one has an additional 2 hours.

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PWJ0 7 years ago

It amazes me how the "Liberal" Leftists are set in thinking and try to circle around a question with a simple yes or no answer. Reminds me of my Dad telling me "A wise man may change his mind, but a fool never will..." When you can't answer yes or no, you are it is not that you don't know, it is that you can't force yourself to say.

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