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...starmer exposed, sunak, vax refused, reincarnation, 18th 19th century reset, flat earth & strange stuff?

ceylon - 29 Views
Published on 03 Jul 2024 / In Non-profits and Activism

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...starmer exposed, sunak, vax refused, reincarnation, 18th 19th century reset, flat earth & strange stuff?
09.32 mps out of control
11.20 sunak cant use a hammer
11.27 sunak police idiots
12.50 sunak showup
12.59 sunak take away your licence and bank account
14.11Message from John O'Looney - 30 June 2024
16.29 vax refused
22.49 vax gene theropy unacceptable
24.52 israel live jew is dead holohoax
25.53 Incarnation Reincarnation
32.23 old 18th 19th reset
36.39 tartaria mud flood
38.08 power stations of old
38.58 lyon 1900
40.01 l a under ground city
41.15 worlds fair 1904
42.23 dinosaus in painting
45.13 f e faked moon
45.47 f e When Dolores met Dave
47.43 space shuttle lies
49.52 whats in the sky
50.20 whats happening to the sun
51.22 strange thing caught by caretaker at school

52.36 z bed
53.40 z prank
54.20 z tv ceylon Ceylon Ceylon Ceylon ceylon ceylon ceylon mark ceylon mark ceylon ceylonx ceylonx ceylon.goodf @ceylonxm

...starmer exposed, sunak, vax refused, reincarnation, 18th 19th century reset, flat earth & strange stuff?

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JamesRoss 2 days ago

Winston Churchill was one of the three "Hollow Heroes" ... Freemasons that sacrificed the conscripted "zombies" and other believers in their system of deception. Just like the ones today who took the clot-shot trusting the Freemasons in authority.

The Ra "Law of One" stuff is Masonic or Luciferian and is a copy-cat of the Seth Material by Jane Roberts. I had to chuckle @28:00 ... Not 4 or 2 "guides"?
His incarnation theories are Rosicrucian dogma that comes from Homo capensis devils. The soul-fragment that you are gets only one multidimensional pass through the probabilities. The other incarnations of your Oversoul are not your soul-fragment... you are like their cousins or brothers. You can tap into their experiences for extra guidance, but your karma is your own and so is theirs. Wickedness destroys one's worthiness from progress, loving care for other is a sign of worthiness. Memories are spiritual and stay with the mind which is not physical as the soul manifest the physical body, the brain can only reveal the present moment of memory recall and current experiences and thoughts of projection into the future. .. this is why the brainchip mind-uploads are also fake since the brain that is monitored by the interface cannot contain the mind in the first place. The mind is spiritual. YOu can find this stuff in the authentic books like this:

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JamesRoss 2 days ago

I recorded the new about the Challenger in the 80s I now show it was another hoax by the Freemasons:

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