SRA SURVIVOR. For the Sake of Your Eternal Soul - Watch and Share #itstime #theChildrenNeedUs #thewaretoendallwars
SRA survivor! interview. HUGE INTEL. For the Sake of Your Eternal Soul - Watch and Share #itstime #theChildrenNeedUs #thewartoendallwars
Special interview with SRA survivor Jeanette Archer who is standing up for the TRUTH about this world to be revealed in London on 26th June - Midday at Hyde Park.
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The poem was powerful, people need to look up Glamis Castle, Bill Clinton rushing to Haiti while the bodies wer still fresh on the streets, a blood ritual to the elites. Look up Canadian Indigenous children taken on a picnic with Elizabeth11 they never returned, but I believe the bones were found. I never thought Teresa May was human, when she was UK Home Secretary her features looked demonic. I hate these people and their antics at the cost of choldren's lives and souls. I did not know about Winston Churchill will have to look it up. No hours left for normal life, its 24/7 researching all this shit.

You only have to look at people like Ted Heath and Bill Clinton in the make-up room waiting to go on TV they had soulless eyes just black holes noto window to the soul there. All these youthful looking 80 year olds aren' having face lifts, they are drinking andenochrome from tortured children. I try to share these things about the children but people say " oh it's too horrible and makes me mentally ill" so what can we do? I think 99% of pollies,Judges, Police Chiefs ,Mass media etc are taking part. I now cannot watch a movie for entertainment, as there are too many in your face subsets to the movie. Good luck and Godspeed with 26th June 2021 big turnout.