Squashing Tether
Federal regulators requested more power from Congress to regulate stablecoins, a fast-growing type of cryptocurrency that they warn could result in bank runs and consumer abuse unless lawmakers act quickly, according to a report issued Monday by the Treasury Department.
The report, which was undertaken by the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, called on Congress to pass a law that makes issuers of stablecoins subject to requirements like those of traditional banks and financial institutions. Such a change would require that those institutions hold adequate reserves to ensure they can meet the demands of customers to cash out quickly.
The call for congressional action comes at a pivotal moment, as cryptocurrencies are exploding in growth with limited federal oversight in place to regulate them.
Stablecoins, have not always proved as securely backed as companies claim, which the Treasury report warns could pose significant problems for customers, investors and the overall financial system.
Some regulatory powers already exist, the report said, including the ability of the Securities and Exchange Commission and other federal agencies to police certain stablecoin issuers.
But after months of studying the growing risks presented by stablecoins, the leaders of the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets said they had identified regulatory gaps that legislators must address, essentially throwing the issue to Congress.
Here is a link to the report: https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/136/StableCoinReport_Nov1_508.pdf
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It is good to know the Bible is True, and that everything in the [Book of Books] Qballs~ /_\ is but a Memory of why we all have De-Ja-Vu… It seems that each TIME LOOP of the Oraborus was to convict them that {played a part} [{**}] in all the World is a Stage……., and that if you did the Unthinkable over and over, you would be turned into a machine, or a monster, or the ones whom will get to come home because you “never” gave up on 1st Corinthians 13…
Even though as the Oracle for the end of an age, I must say many things, it is not I whom am without compassion, it is you, and though I do not KNOW {what each of you’m} have done that Youm would allow your Human Babies to be (Tormented) /-\ in WARS for Murder…….., you made that Choice over and over and over in each and every De-Ja-Vu…
Life had a Purpose in our Real Home World, but the Many LOST their ways seeking to play Games, and those games then turned too Violence……..., and as we watch THE MEMORY of these Days of Noah play out {ONE LAST TIME} +=+ till the End of Time IN 2094 CE, do not blame your Leaders for they have “no say” anymore in what must happen, you must blame your “self” for you want TV to solve all your problems, and you thought, as long as I take these (INJECTIONS) [{*}] everything will be O.K.
For me personally, it is a wretched feeling too know this is how our Real Home World was destroyed, and though I may [taunt] those whom OPPRESS, and Kill, and Murder, and Rape we their Fellow Citizens too death, most of them called or call themselves “Capitalist” have already lost their souls to Perdition......, and that between NOW....., and the End of this age in 2094 CE: God being Our Creator and Our Destroyer did not do those things in the Holy Bible...., nor any other Books of Ink on Paper..., Mankind made the changes to Day 6 where The Source of All Creation.., and the Source of All Destruction said: I made this for all of you too share., and play, and be industrious!!!!
However, along the many years of this {Byzantine Empire} in the Era 7,530 that is actually the Year 75,300 it was WE THE PEOPLE whom made Machines to Replace our wants, and our desires, and our “imaginations” that here in 2021 CE we see so few choose the NARROW PATH of Honesty on all matters as they fall into the Wide Path of VR Mark of The Beast on your Heads (INSANITY) till the Sky is Falling One Last Time…
Do not blame the JEWS for the JEWS are all dead….
Do not Blame the MASONS for the Masons have all been “Replaced” by Futurist [INVETRO} Labratory LOGANS RUN Made Machine People, and do not even blame your self for you KNOW what you have done, and you know where {you will go] whence Judgment Day happens in 2094 CE…
If you have FREE WILL “thence” use it to Blend in, Help Others, Live Well, and Die Free, but if you are nothing more then a MEMORY walking among us and “those” whom have yet to be born till the end of TIME, you will do what you always did in every “Minuet” of Purgatory, and I have no Pity for you because I AM not the God of you OLD WINE SKINS, I AM too “become” the God for we the New Wine Skins in the New Mother Heaven, and the New Father Earth once these Days of Noah {one last time} Come to their intended conclusion….
John 13:34
#LowKARG ?