Dark Outpost 12-09-2020 Biden In Tether, Obama in Prison
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Video footage has emerged showing Barack Obama in a prison cell. Photographic evidence provides proof that Joe Biden is under house arrest and on an electronic tether. Dark Outpost Inner Circle members will see that footage and those photographs tonight. Also, there have been MASSIVE movements of troops, equipment and supplies WITHIN the continental United States. The US Navy is positioning Aircraft carriers and their strike groups off both the US east and west coasts. It appears we are preparing to defend ourselves from an invasion. Intelligence circles say that if the Supreme Court voids any or all of the November 3 election due to the massive fraud and violations of the US Constitution with changes to election laws, the Democrats are planning on asking the United Nations to INVADE to depose Trump as a "Dictator." leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Watch the full show at https://watch.darkoutpost.tv!

they have been the dictators for years...they have been caught on tape saying that they have to make the rules for Americans because we are not smart enough....this is another coup....time for heads to start rolling...we will fight for Trump we are not going to let the demorats turn us over to China NEVER...and NEVER trust Gates...after he created a platform that always get virus's so he can sell you his solution ....its always about money with him....disgusting excuse for a human...he's just another pedovor satanist like most of our government

Great Observation and Reporting. My People If You Take Any of There Vaccines You Will Burn In Hell You Have Been Warned.

This vaccine is bad for us. It is using aborted baby fetal matter to make it, it will also sterilize men and women. And it's all about the Benjamin's to make the big Pharma and elites rich and to kill off the useless eaters.

I believe that doing the Swine flu season in the 70's that the vaccine killed around 100k people. And this flu was also a hoax to stir up hype.. Like last year with this measles shit that they forced our kids to get that vaccine. In the 50's us kids got chicken pox and the measles and we didn't die or got a vaccine... Mom found out that billy or jimmy came down with it so she sent us over there to play with them so later we got it and now are immune for life. It didn't kill us...

Over 50 of my subscribed news sites asking for payment for access, go to hell.