Springfield XDs -vs- GLOCK 43 [ Best Concealment Handgun ? ]
GY6 is becoming 100% FAN SUPPORTED, consider becoming Patron @ http://www.Patreon.com/GY6 <br>_________ <br> <br>In this video we do a heads up review of the the Glock 43 vs the Springfield XDs(Both in 9mm). We want to give you as much information as possible so you can make your own mind up about WHICH IS BEST? Let us know what you thought of the video in the comment section, if you enjoyed the video please DON'T FORGET TO Like/Share/Subscribe http://www.youtube.com/GY6vids <br>_______ <br>--STAY CONNECTED WITH GY6vids @ LINKS BELOW-- <br> <br>Website: www.gy6vids.com <br> <br>YouTube: <br>@ http://www.YouTube.com/GY6vids <br>@ http://www.YouTube.com/GY6slowmo <br>@ http://www.YouTube.com/GY6outdoors <br>___ <br>Facebook: <br>@ http://www.facebook.com/GY6vids <br>@ http://www.facebook.com/GY6photography <br>___ <br>Instagram: <br>@ http://www.instagram.com/GY6vids <br>@ http://www.instagram.com/GY6photography <br>@ http://www.instagram.com/GY6outdoors <br>___ <br>Twitter: <br>@ http://www.twitter.com/GY6vids <br> <br> <br>--WARNING!-- <br>GY6vids videos are for entertainment purposes only, imitation of ANY activities or ANY instruction shown in GY6vids is solely AT YOUR OWN RISK. GY6vids LLC and its affiliates will not be held liable for any injury to Yourself/Others/or Property resulting from attempting anything shown in the videos on YouTube.com/GY6vids <br> <br>Copyright 2016 GY6vids, LLC. All Rights Reserved