SpitfireSicilian on the Gross NWO Regret called BBB.mp4
spitfiresicilianrose - 187 Views
Published on 22 Oct 2022 / In News and Politics
It is time to reveal to the world, the New World Order Coup that wants to "reset" the entire world, even blow it up using the CERN, to "build back better" with 90% less people on the planet and resorted to mass genocide by virus and vaccine. They are psychopaths. Here is the news our MSM refuses to discuss: Http://www.StolenElectionNovella.com
They PLAYACTED the demise of the world: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/exercises/event201/videos.html at Event 201 in October 2019 in New York City. Watch all FIVE videos...
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