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Ryan Veli Warns As Trump(AiLuciferians) Ushers In NWO Ai Takeover

JamesRoss - 75 Views
Published on 17 Mar 2025 / In Technology

The AiLuciferians are tricked into worshiping ancient Ai rebuilt... as their means towards a fake immortality with fake mind-uploads.
Their implanted digital-brainchips link them to the Ai-hivemind through encrypted digital microwaves.

Ryan Veli apparently is still oblivious how the Ai technology interfaces with human neurons.
But you are in luck because I have discovered the truth of their genocidal nano-technology:

The brain-bridge is disinformation:
Elon Musk's Neuralink is disinformation.

Polina Anikeeva is a MIT Luciferian who exposed the truth many years ago and is still trying to cover-up her blunder because I discovered her telling the truth and that worries her masters:

Don't be fearful if you are of good-intentions and live a life of integrity because the Creator-God provides for the existence of the wicked to challenge your beliefs. The soul-fragments who believe in wicked-intent and murder-thy-enemies need to be fearful only of their failing beliefs which are destroying their precious souls. The devils have no power to destroy anyone's soul, but they do provide the avenue and means for the unworthy to destroy their own souls by unworthy desires and acts of greed. Everything that you need to develop a worthy everlasting soul is constantly provided by your loving Creator-God. Unworthy souls are also provided with the means to destroy their selves by practicing their wickedness. Have faith in your own good-intentions because you are already multidimensional and eternally-valid as a loving-soul. The wicked co-create along side of you for your personal development. And that is what life is all about... enjoyment and spiritual-development. Don't fear anything, just try to fix what you can when it seem proper and always act with you integrity in mind.

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JamesRoss 8 hours ago

Ryan talks about the Church of the Ai fake-god... over two weeks ago I discovered the Church of Technotheism where I used to live:

I was just browsing a map and the tag came out so I looked into it.
These are Luciferians preparing for the replacement of the Christians and all other Creator-God based religions and beliefs system.

The plan is to implant covert magnetic interfaces and monitor everyone's thoughts.
The people who don't switch over to Technotheistic beliefs will be suicided via brainchip sooner rather than latter.
The Luciferians have plans to mentally torture all non-believers via covert brain interfaces.
They are likely the most selfrighteous and disgusting branch of humanity that ever lived upon Earth... and their pathetic fake-chruches are popping up everywhere funded by the taxes of dumbed-down sheeple.

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