SpaceX Starship Carbon-Footprint 10,000,000 lbs Methane Justified For Starlink-wwHivemind
JamesRoss - 248 Views
Published on 14 Mar 2024 / In Technology
That's right...
You are watching the Masonic-Luciferians set-up their Starlink microwave-broadband that will support world-wide Techno-Feudalism takeover of Constitutional God-Given Freedoms.
Luciferian minions(or secret societies) become upper-class and you will become a brainchipped slave to be empoverished by going-along to get along with monsters.
Freemasons and secret societies are building their tyranny-trap and the sheeple are walking right into it, oblivious of the brainchip-hivemind design of Starlink-broadband. Land based microwave-towers will no longer be a weak-link of their brainchip-hivemind-army of thUgs.
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