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Song of the New Blue Spruce Tree 2019

206 Vues
Publié le 07 Nov 2020 / Dans

Song of the New Blue Spruce Tree. This is the music of a young tree cutting 3 days after the blessed harvest and replanting. The tree is just started to sprout new roots.......... 3 Cuttings were harvested to honor some special Love and Gratitude
Recorded July 24, 2019 with a midi sprout
Music of the Plants

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Deep House Mix
Deep House Mix 4 années depuis


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Kim Paddock
Kim Paddock 4 années depuis

Idaho blue spruce oil has a frequency of 460 mhz. This is one of the highest frequencies recorded of any plant. Frequency heals the body by raising our frequency above that of pain and disease. Our body has a frequency of 60-65 mhz. If our frequency drops to 58 we can get the cold. If it drops to 57 mhz we can get the flu. If it drops to 45 mhz we can get cancer. I use Idaho blue spruce oil and cannabis extract in a body butter that heals many diseases, controls pain and eliminates age spots and wrinkles. It is called Frequency Creme. I have other products that use cannabis extract with a high frequency that heals arthritis, tendonitis, carpel tunnel and more. Check out the photos and products on

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