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Silicone Pads that hold 30 cal bullets up while cooking them

BarnDweller - 808 Views
Published on 11 Nov 2018 / In Firearms

I picked up these a few months ago and this is the first time I have cast and powder coated some 30 caliber bullets. They are not perfect but I think they are "good enough". Let me know what you think.

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Tickywoo 6 years ago

I gascheck before powder coating, any difference?

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the_dudester 6 years ago

i like your video. i reload but haven't cast my own bullet tips yet. the gas check confuses me as far as casting and reloading.
when you said you cast your own .300 Blackout, that got my attention. i run mine with 125 grain Sierra HPBT super sonic and it runs fine. i'm looking at casting my bullets in the 230 grain Lee mold (zinc equals 138 grain), powder coating and running them through a Lee sizer die but again, where does the gas block come into play? and what is it's purpose? this is a newer phase of reloading i'm delving into.
thanks in advance.

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BarnDweller 6 years ago

If you are going to start casting download a free pdf of From Ingot to Target. Its a older book but it has so much info about casting. its not a boring book and I have read it a couple of times (quite long). Anyway a gas check is a piece of metal on the bottom of the bullet that helps prevent the hot cases from leaking around the bullet and causing leading and loss of accuracy. Everyone ends up with their own guidelines. I like to gas check anything going more than 1700 and anything that may be higher pressure. I use them sometimes when I may not need them but I would rather error on the safe side and I do not like cleaning lead out of a barrel. Look up a Elvis Ammo video where he was casting zinc, he had some real problems and it destroyed his pot.

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BarnDweller 6 years ago

Here is that video where he had the problem with Zinc.

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