Silent War Ep. 6199: DHS Targets Patriots, Zelensky: Nukes, School Pays Kids 4 Dragshow, Plandemic
In this episode of The Silent War:
Zelensky Says Ukraine Won't Give Up Territory In Donbas, Claims Putin Could Use Tactical Nukes.
UK Seeking Release Of 2nd British Soldier Captured By Russia In Decimated Mariupol.
France Has Repatriated All Its Monetary Gold.
MSNBC Blast From The Past: It's Our Job To Control How People Think... Not Elon Musk's.
CIA Bombshell: The Sussman Data Was "User Created."
Florida Department of Education Rejects 54 Math Textbooks for ‘Attempting to Indoctrinate Students’ With Critical Race Theory, Common Core.
Health Officials Clueless in Mysterious Outbreak of Severe Hepatitis Cases in Young Children in U.S. and Europe.
EXCLUSIVE: After Specializing in Abortions and Baby Body Part Sales, Planned Parenthood Now Raking in Dollars in Transgender Services.
‘Doesn’t Fit the Narrative’: Analysis Confirms Mainstream News Outlets BURY the Race of Murderers if They Are Black – Race is 7X More Likely to be Mentioned if they are White.
Bellingham, Washington School District Pays Middle School Students $2,000 to Perform Drag Show.
Far-Left Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo Lashes Out at Prosecutors After Two of Her Staffers Indicted in $11 Million ‘Vaccine Contract’ Investigation (VIDEO).
DHS Plans To Target People Who Believe The Election Was Stolen.
Duckduckgo is Duckduckgone.
The Last Time The Communists Controlled Ukraine.
All of this, and more.
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All Jews are bad. Psalms 58:3-4 tells you "even from birth the wicked go astray, from the womb they are wayward and speak lies. Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra with stopped up ears..."

The Bible tells you that the USA will be attacked by Russia. Ezekiel 38-39. Zelensky is telling us nothing we don't already know. Zelensky is on his own. If any American goes there to help them, they're nuts. Zelensky and Putin are jews. This war is a psyop. Stay home and prepare to protect yourself here. Trump is a jew. I have a friend who worked with someone who went to synagogue with him when a child.