FULL SHOW: Zelensky Warns Russia Could Use Nukes: Is A Nuclear False Flag In The Cards?
Though the media has turned it’s focus and hype off of Ukraine, major developments are still ongoing from the sinking of a major Russian warship said to be holding nuclear weapons, to Zelensky warning Russia could initiate a nuclear strike in the future. The Elon Musk Twitter story continues to heat up, as the other major shareholders are doing everything they can to stop Musk from purchasing Twitter, which may have major financial and legal repercussions they are willing to pay. Mark Dice gets Americans to sign a petition to ban the Bible on Good Friday. The horrors of what is going on in Public Schools continues. Kelly Neidert is said to be the most hated College Conservative in Texas. She joins the transmission to discuss why. Owen Shroyer takes calls on all these topics and more.

Great Observation And Reporting.