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Infowars - 156 Ansichten
156 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 13 Jul 2021 / Im Nachrichten & Politik

South Africa has become nearly under citizen siege as their communist dictatorship has twisted the story to build the ultimate white boogieman in the country

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 3 Jahre vor

infowars twisting everything here, fucking moron! Thinking he is or gets away with thisshit wanting to be the shoutign Lion Alex Jones who officially declared a few years ago he was DONE! Now you get idiots like this saying. police is looting, well i actually looked into it for 4 hours now and they just went out to grab water for themself and the station, and how would you guys know certain fires can be seen from satelites? have you got one and you checked it? dont you know they can read the date of a coin on the floor with theyre US satelites? Shame on you just to try and MSM 'REAL' news by spuing bullshit twisted to fuck taking us all for morons? i recommend you try a bit of Anarchy yourself instead of being back just to sell whatever foodsuppluments and shit...infowars has truly become toilet rag news, sad fuckers!

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