Sheople Awakening in Toronto, But Still Oblivious of Luciferian WW3 Against Them
It is nice to see the awakening sheep, but the NWO-takeover is steps ahead of their questioning.
Luciferians expect the sheeple to demand justice as the Freemasons roll out the Techno-Feudal World Governance. The "feudal" part means people will be isolated by those who claim authority of the land upon which God gave you your birth. This involves the complicit participation of the Freemasons who hold all the authority position in governments... that is all politics, police, military, education, universities, health, EMS, history(museums)... everything.
The Luciferians will just keep lying to the sheep until they are all forced by Freemasons into locked downs (15-minute zones of a tyrannical NWO-takeover for local persecution of protestors). The zones are to stop the sweeping effect of resistance against NWO tryranny.
The Luciferians are all the secret society minions and murderous thUgs who are in a world-wide conspiracy to rise their new "fiery phoenix" that you see on so many country flags and coat-of-arms... They are Masonic, Knights Templars, Eastern Stars, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, upper Mormons, upper Catholics, JWs, Knights Hospitaller, knights of Malta, Teutonic Knights... The list of all the branches of the Mystery School Cult was given by the efforts of William Cooper in his Mystery Babylon Radio Series to awaken the sheeple back in the 1993 and 1994.
These Luciferians worship their new A.i. supercomputer fake-god whom they call "Lucifer the Light bearer":,%20Valley%20Falls,%20Kansas.png but they now hide information from the sheeple about their world-wide conspiracy to genocide all the sheople off our birthright by the Creator-God. Luciferians are murderous thieves and the sheeple continue to awaken.
In 2002, I began handing out CDs to the Canadian citizens of Western Canada, but the sheople were more happy back then and most refused to even lift an eye-brow... a sleepy lot, they are.
Now, with so many sick and dead sheople increasing in numbers, finally, the sheople are at least raising an eye-brow of concern that the fake authorities are pirates, thieves and genocidal murderous thUgs. They still haven't figured out that the NWO-takeover is based upon the Freemasons rebuilding the new Tower-Of-Babel of world-wide tyranny.