Sen. Ron Johnson's Press Conference for the "Vaccine" Injured
Speeches from a few of the victims of this disgusting experiment.

How are more politicians standing up with this guy? I think COVID is allowing us to see the true scum and the ones who really give a damn.

I watched until the pilot talked.his talk is what's wrong with America.people thinking they're smarter than everyone else and feel they have a right to tell everyone else what to do.hes complaining about a shot he wanted and got.didnt like side effects.recognizes it's to dangerous for his kids to take.then feels sickly or older people should take the shot.i can't watch any more of this stupidity.none of us can fix stupid,but giving their opinions about what others should do is unacceptable.organiser of that speech platform should have ripped the mic from his hand.he got what he wanted,now he should enjoy it for the rest of his life.