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SCOTUS- Police Have NO Duty to Protect.mp4

David Knight
David Knight - 718 Views
Published on 02 Jun 2022 / In News and Politics

Biden's DoJ is investigating the Uvalde police's failure to protect children. But the Supreme Court has made it clear, multiple times, that the police have NO DUTY to protect. Who do they serve?

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JamesRoss 3 years ago

Society has always been divided since historical tribal community were amalgamated into countries with pharaonic Templars building castles and strong-hold to act as local authorities.
The police are an extension of the servants-soldiers for those Templars(who are the top of the Freemasonic pyramid). Today the Freemasons are first choice to become police because they are trained to keep secrets from the masses... well, in fact they serve the international system of the lands who answer to the Vatican. Freemasons serve the Vatican masters who orchestrate the NWO conversion from the Old World Order.
Central to the new power is the A.i. supercomputer which the Freemasons Police and ALL the Mystery School Cult minions now worship as their commander, their saviour, their fake-god.
This fake-god is the commander of the brainchip-hivemind which monitors and communicates to each individual of the hivemind army. The brainchip minions at Uvalde were actually told to stand-down... to not stop the shooter so that the most devastating results of the shooter could happen before stopping him.
The shooter was also brainchipped as a perpetrator and was used as a bio-robot and a "voice of god" weapon minion.
Brainchip minions will be use to the greatest effect now the Covid-19 death jab is becoming exposed.
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