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Renaud Be
Renaud Be - 465 Views
Published on 31 Jul 2022 / In News and Politics

According to this documentary, and many others sources, Saudi Arabia is a country that finances hatred, terrorism, and discrimination of other religions, along with international terrorism, and assassination of journalists, like Jamal Khashoggi, killed and dismembered in 2018, in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. Saudi Arabia even preaches their kids in schools and people in Mosques, that those who are not Sunni Muslims, should all be punished by death. In the own words of Saudi Arabia's children Educational system and their own school books, exported to the world, "Those who are not Sunni Muslims, particularly Christians, all should be punished with death, until their are no more left; they should be beheaded". According to Wikileaks, the Saudi government is financing ISIS, and many other terrorist groups, and the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton knew about it. The Bush Family protected their Saudi Petro-Dictator buddies, who saved them many times from bankruptcy. Obama bowed down like never before to the Saudi dictators, protecting and selling them more weapons, some that ended up in the hands of the ISIS terrorists and other violent extremists, thanks in part to traitors like Senator John McCain, a total warmonger war-profiteer puppet. Even Democrats like Tulsi Gabbard denounced the Obama administration for selling weapons to terrorists, and even proposed in the US Congress her "Stop Arming Terrorists Act". As for Donald Trump, before the election, he pointed the finger at the Saudis for the 9/11 attacks, and after he got elected President of the United States, like a war profiteer, he sold to the brutal dictatorship of Saudi Arabia more weapons than ever before, despite the Saudis most grotesque human rights abuse record. PS: In my view, selling any weapons to the enemy, or any brutal dictatorship, should be illegal by law, whether individuals, companies, governments, or even presidents and Prime Ministers; And all those who do, should be fully prosecuted for treason, and be punished accordingly. Saudi Arabia throws in jail and tortures peaceful protesters and critics of the brutal dictatorship, and of the islamic violent ideology, founded by a self-appointed prophet, Muhammad, who married his youngest wife Aisha, when she was only a child of 6-years-old, which today, would be called crime of child abuse and pedophilia.

#SaudiArabiaUncovered #StopArmingTerrorists #SaudiArabia #SaudiArabiaISIS #SaudiArabia911 #Islam #Jihad #ISIS #ISIL #AlQuaeda #AlNusra

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Renaud Be
Renaud Be 2 years ago

1. Jihad defined as "to war against all non-Muslims to establish the religion" is the duty of every Muslim and Muslim head of state, the Caliph. Muslim Caliphs who refuse jihad are in violation of Sharia and unfit to rule. This is why countries like Saudi Arabia finance groups like ISIS Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, or any other Islamic Terrorists.
2. A Caliph can hold office through seizure of power meaning through force.
3. The head of an Islamic State, the Caliph cannot be charged, let alone be punished for serious crimes such as murder, adultery, robbery, theft, drinking and in some cases of rape.
4. A percentage of Zakat, a form of alms-giving and religious tax in Islam, must go towards jihad, a war against all non-Muslims, just for being non-Muslims.
5. It is obligatory to obey the commands of the Caliph, even if he is unjust.
6. A Caliph, the head of state, must be a Muslim, a non-slave and a male, as slavery still exist in Islam, as well as discrimination against women and discrimination against all other religions, including Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Chinese folk, and non-believers.
7. The Muslim people must remove the head of state, the Caliph in only one case, if he rejects Islam.
8. A Muslim who leaves Islam must be killed immediately.
9. A Muslim will be forgiven for murder of: A -an apostasy, B -an adulterer, C -a highway robber. Making vigilante street justice and honor killing acceptable.
10. Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran, Muhammad or Allah, is punishable by death.
11. A Muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non-Muslim.
12. Sharia never abolished slavery and sexual slavery and highly regulates it. A master will not be punished for killing his slave. Slavery still exists among many countries of the Middle East. Children between 5 and 12 years old are sold to wealthy men in Saudi Arabia, where they are held as sex slaves. A well-organized network of traffickers supplying the Arab market with child brides from the North African countries. There is also an extensive sex industry in Yemen offering sex with minors to rich men from the Gulf states.
13. Sharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, for sins like killing, adultery, prostitution; and other Quranic corporal punishments like: amputation of limbs, chopping hands and feet, floggings, beatings and other forms of punishments for the sins of stealing, sexual promiscuity and robbery. Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand. Innocent defenseless women also get stoned to death, sometimes for refusing the advances of wealthy men, and people can be executed simply for stating an opinion different than that of Islam.
14. Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah, it must be "Halal".
15. Non-Muslims are not equal to Muslims and must comply to Sharia and pay Zizzya, a poll tax, if they are to remain safe, like if after the jihad war against all non-Muslims, dead men could pay any taxes. They are also forbidden to marry Muslim women, publicly display wine or pork, recite their own religious scriptures, or openly celebrate their religious holidays or funerals. They are forbidden from building new churches or building them higher than mosques. They may not enter a mosque without permission. A non-Muslim is no longer protected if he commits adultery with a Muslim woman or if he leads a Muslim away from Islam.
16. It is a crime for a non-Muslim to sell weapons to someone who will use them against Muslims. Non-Muslims cannot curse a Muslim, say anything derogatory about Allah, the Prophet, or Islam, or expose the weak points of Muslims. However, Muslims can curse, criticize or say anything derogatory they like to the religions of others.
17. A non-Muslim cannot inherit from a Muslim, proving once again religious discrimination.
18. Banks must be Sharia compliant and interest is not allowed. Islamic investments can’t be associated with alcohol, pork, gambling, pornography, or other Muslim prohibitions.
19. No testimony in court is acceptable from people of low-level jobs, such as street sweepers or a bathhouse attendant. Women in such low level jobs such as professional funeral mourners cannot keep custody of their children in case of divorce.
20. A non-Muslim cannot rule even over a non-Muslims minority.
21. Homosexuality is punishable by death, but in Islam, only the penetrated is considered homosexual and not the penetrator, who would even be allowed to engage in bestiality, as long as the animals are killed after; which is why in Muslim societies that segregate men and women, some Imams and other men engage in Bacha bazi, or Boy-Play, where minor boys often from boys only Islamic schools or found in the streets, are dressed as girls to dance and later be raped, with the victim shutting up, by fear of being executed for homosexuality. After flogging or beatings, homosexuals are often thrown from great height to their death.
22. There is no age limit for marriage of girls under Sharia; a man can marry an infant girl. The marriage contract can take place anytime after birth and consummated at age 8 or 9; and before that, a man can only practice thighing without penetration.
23. Girls' clitoris should be cut. A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina; The Prophet said to her, "Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband".
24. A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative. Women are required to limit the amount of time spent with men to whom they are not related. The majority of public buildings have separate entrances for the different sexes. Public transportation, parks, and beaches are also segregated in many countries. Even in Mosques, men and women are separated. Unlawful mixing will lead to criminal charges being brought against both parties, but women typically face harsher punishment.
25. Rebelliousness on the part of the wife nullifies the husband’s obligation to support her, gives him permission to beat her and keep her from leaving the home. (Qur'an 4: 34). Some Muslim countries don't allow women to drive cars, as it's said to lead to upheaval.
26. Divorce is only in the hands of the husband and is as easy as saying, "I divorce you" and becomes effective even if the husband did not intend it; a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
27. There is no common property between husband and wife and the husband’s property does not automatically go to the wife after his death.
28. A woman inherits half what a man inherits. Sister gets half of what brother gets.
29. A man has the right to have up to 4 wives and wives has no right to divorce him, even if he is polygamous. Muhammad can have more.
30. The dowry, payment by the groom, is given in exchange for the bride’s sexual organs. Call it 15 minutes temporary marriage or prostitution, it's still money in exchange for sexual favors.
31. A man is allowed to have sex with slave women and also with women captured in battle, and if the enslaved woman is married her marriage is annulled.
32. The testimony of a woman in court is half the value of a man; that is, two women equal to one man.
33. A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it. A woman looses custody if she remarries.
34. A rapist may only be required to pay the bride-money, the dowry, without marrying the raped victim.
35. A Muslim woman must cover every inch of her body which is considered "Awrah," a sexual organ. Some schools of Sharia allow uncovered face and some don’t.
36. A Muslim man is forgiven if he kills his wife caught in the act of adultery. However, the opposite is not true for women since he could be married to the woman he was caught with.
37. It is obligatory for a Muslim to lie or cheat if the purpose is obligatory and is known as Taqiyya, Islamic deception. For the sake of abiding with Islam’s commandments, such as jihad war against all non-Muslims, a Muslim is obliged to lie and should not have any feelings of guilt or shame. The Prophet said, "War is deceit". (Bukhari 52: 269). Ali confirms that lying is permitted in order to deceive an enemy. (Bukhari 84:64-65). In the case of jihad, the enemies mention are Christians, Jew, people of every other religions and non-believers. Muslims will even try to fool non-Muslims by saying that Sharia laws are not truly Islamic and they were invented by radicals and extremists, when in fact most laws came directly from Muhammad the founder of Islam, in his Qur'an.
38. The perpetrators of genocide, mass rape and plunder will not be punished if they repent.
39. To prove rape, a woman must have 4 male witnesses. Women’s testimony is not accepted. Thousands of raped women and girls in many countries have been charged with Zena, physical relations outside marriage and punished by Sharia courts for lack of witnesses.
40. All modern music including sexually explicit one's of any kind is strictly prohibited and punishable by Islamic Sharia code of justice. Only Islamic songs are allowed.

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