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Satanic Rituals in the Military

Shelby 80
Shelby 80 - 400 Views
Published on 06 Mar 2020 / In News and Politics

US and Thai troops tear the heads off snakes, drink their blood, peel the skin from geckos before eating them alive, and behead chickens with their teeth in a disgusting annual ritual.

As early as 1978, the U.S. Army circulated A Handbook for Chaplains. The Church of Satan and the Temple of Set were listed among religions to be tolerated inside the US military. A section of the handbook stated: "Often confused with witchcraft, Satanism is the worship of Satan, also known as Baphomet or Lucifer.”

During the 1980s, U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino who had top Pentagon clearances, was at the center of a controversy involving the Pentagon's acquiescence to outright Satanic practices inside the military services. He was a Satanist and founded the Temple of Set. He was a close friend of Anton LaVey (Church of Satan)

Douglas Dietrich, a former military research librarian at the San Francisco Presidio, says that he used his high clearance to get access to documents and books containing satanic rituals, which he says are practiced by many high-ranking military officers.

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