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Daryl Lawson
Daryl Lawson - 404 المشاهدات
404 المشاهدات
نشرت في 22 Oct 2020 / في فيلم والرسوم المتحركة

Bill Gates Blasted as “Vaccine Criminal” in Italian Parliament

Billionaire “philanthropist” and population-control zealot Bill Gates is a criminal madman who must be arrested and tried for “crimes against humanity” and attempted “genocide” through vaccines, according to a firebrand Italian lawmaker who sent shock waves around the world. The member of Parliament also called for Italians to resist vaccines and Deep State tyranny. Fellow legislators applauded.

In the impassioned speech on the floor of Italy’s Parliament exposing the Microsoft founder, the parliamentarian, Sara Cunial of Veneto, charged Gates with a long list of crimes, many involving his obsession with vaccinations and population reduction. She also argued that Gates and his toadies were instrumental in shaping the Italian government's disastrous and totalitarian response to the coronavirus outbreak that shredded liberty and left many thousands dead.

Apparently MP Cunial’s fury was sparked after Nigerian lawmakers accused Gates, whom she said had numerous conflicts of interest, of trying to bribe them into approving legislation that would force mandatory vaccines on the population there. Opposition parties in Nigeria blasted the “foreign-sponsored bill” and called for the speaker to be impeached if he attempted to force it on members despite the growing resistance.

A key part of the impassioned plea revolved around Gates’ support for forcing mandatory vaccines on all of humanity. In recent weeks, Gates has repeatedly declared on multiple television programs in the United States that the world could not go back to normal unless and until virtually everybody on the planet had been vaccinated with an as-yet undeveloped, experimental vaccine.

In particular, MP Cunial slammed Gates-funded vaccine schemes that she said had “sterilized millions of women in African” and paralyzed about 500,000 children in India. The New American magazine has reported on those incidents, including a Gates-funded United Nations “tetanus vaccination” campaign in Kenya that was exposed by the Catholic Church as a covert sterilization program.

“Still today, Gates causes more death than the diseases,” she said, stating that genetically engineered crops (GMOs) were also a scheme backed by Gates and other criminals to sterilize people and reduce the global population.

Especially concerning, she said, are new mRNA vaccines backed by Gates, which have never been used before, that would be “tools for reprogramming our immune system.” Indeed, in Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece for the globalist Council on Foreign Relations,Gates boasted about the prospect of editing people's DNA using new technologies known as “CRISPR” — all “for good,” of course.

Speaking to Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, MP Cunial called for the leader to take action against Gates or be forever known as the puppet who takes orders from a criminal. “Next time you receive a phone call from the philanthropist Bill Gates, forward it directly to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity,” she said, perhaps unaware that the UN's kangaroo court is controlled by the same Deep State forces that run the Gates-funded WHO and other UN institutions of “global governance.”

Ridiculing Gates as the self-styled “savior of the world,” Cunial suggested that the billionaire might have actually been involved in unleashing the pandemic. In 2018, she said, Gates “predicted a pandemic.” Then, the next year, Gates teamed up with the globalist World Economic Forum to host Event 201 at Johns Hopkins, she noted. This event featured an “imagined” a scenario eerily similar to what has unfolded in recent months — and participants almost all advocated the very tyrannical government, censorship, lockdowns, and other abuses now being deployed as the supposed solution.

Bible verses
2Th 2:6 And you know what is holding him back, for he can be revealed only when his time comes.
2Th 2:7 For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way.
2Th 2:8 Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will kill him with the breath of His mouth and destroy him by the splendor of His coming.
2Th 2:10 He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them.

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