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Ryan Veli Warns... As Trump Ushers In A.i.(ai) Takeover

JamesRoss - 38 Views
Published on 26 Dec 2024 / In Technology

I would guess you didn't notice on April 1st, 2020, Trump as President, spoke behind a podium where the presidential-seal was removed(look it up) and USA flag was removed from the stage. He opened the door for the A.i. supercomputer to command all "digital-countries." The next day both were replaced.
The A.i. supercomputer became the top of the pyramid, officially, from that day, forth. No Freemason, nor Luciferian needed to worry about borders when they were in the brainchip-hivemind in direct link-up to A.i.Lucifer the beast.

Once an A.i. nano-tech is implanted into the brain, it takes over natural dreaming sleep with Luciferian, manufactured dreams; the subconscious mind is swayed without noticing it; personal values can be twisted towards NWO values; the mind can be rendered unconscious while the A.i. bio-robots the body into a literal puppet.

Veli does not realize that the magnetic brain interface is ancient nano-tech from the ancient mankind, Homo capensis, while Freemasons hide those old devils and serve them as the "Death cUlt". Instead Veli is mislead into believing nano-tech is demonic... it is just high-tech in the hands of monsters and their minions.
But Veli is still warning to wake-up and stop the A.i. takeover before every human (good and wicked Homo sapiens) is extinct. The old devils plan is to trick even their minions and thUgs like Trump, Musk and Gates into extincting themselves in exchange for a fake mind-upload.

Veli does not realize that magnetic nano-particles in the food and drink allow the magnetic brainchip chips covertly implanted by medical-Mafia to monitor and inject thoughts into the neurons of any brain. But he will soon figure this out.
As you listen further you will find out that Veli is locked into the dogma of good versus evil forces. But you are in a customizing, infinitely-expanding training-ground... totally supported by AllThatIs(Creator-God, not some old-man god) to develop a worthy, loving soul-fragment. You learn here how to control your energy as a cocreator amoungst other probable-selves who may die depending how you pick your way through the probabilities. Murderous/genocidal Luciferians are brainwashed to sell-out their own genetics towards extinction... you challenge it to defy those monster as you learn how to manifest or pick your way through infinite probabilities where God allows you to win your battles with good-intentions and integrity with others. Luciferians will never cheat the afterlife where their withering, decaying, murderous soul-fragments will be spiritually boxed-up after their deserved deaths, as their Oversoul Source-Selves learn what it is to be an unworthy fragments of those Souls or Entities.
The Sethbooks from Messenger Seth were created to help you spiritually expand:

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