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Rwanda Genocide Kagami Is An Agent Of Esau Now President Just Like Bouterse The Tare Baby 2-2

Published on 18 Dec 2024 / In Non-profits and Activism

The Truth IS

xxxtentacion DEMON! Murderer, sacrificer of people that love him...

Does shampoo affect fertility?
"Antibacterial soaps, as well as some shampoos, dishwashing liquids and even some toothpastes, may contain triclosan — a chemical linked to endocrine disruption that may mess up your hormones and interfere with your reproductive system."

Depopulation agenda of the caucus...

Jimi hedrix.. one slave descendant can get SO MANY people to love him.. all he needs to be is AN IDOL!

The Star Spangled Banner - Jimi Hendrix, Woodstock 1969: A Performance Art

“Hotel Rwanda” Hero Kidnapped: Another Victim of Rwanda’s Grinding Machine

He Was the Hero of ‘Hotel Rwanda.’ Now He’s Accused of Terrorism.

Bouterse blijkt telg van Zeeuwse boerenzoon

De rol van Nederland en kolonel Valk bij de coup van Bouterse in Suriname (1980)

D.L. Hughley on Argument with Bill Cosby: "I Use the N-Word But I Don't Rape Girls" (Part 4)

De Rol Van Nederland En Kolonel Valk Bij De Coup Van Bouterse In Suriname ( 1980)

Hotel rwanda 2004 movie.. I NEVER watched and i do not really PLAN on watching it now even more since i know the truth behind that entire movie which is LIES, LIES, LIES from a SNAKE TONGUED DEVIL nation!

Assassination of Juvénal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira

Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (Satans Pride And Joy Race)

Top Ten Giant Discoveries in North America

here is a caucus LIE in this article...

"The San Diego giant was purchased by the Smithsonian for $500 (over $14,000 in today’s money) in 1895, although they later claimed it was a hoax."

Do you still believe the race that pushes flying reindeer and elves to children and bunnies that lay eggs in their school system and have being doing so for DECADES?

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If you watch this on your telephone it will show but if it doesnt you need to refresh the video or click again on the main page in order for it to play, this is just madness and i dont understand what is wrong.. maybe because i am using adblock ...that could be a possibility...

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