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IGP10 558 - America - Freedom to Fascism.mp4
David Trent-Todeschini

Jayda Fransen - British Freedom Party, Rwanda SCAM

true conservative minutes
Published on 19 Nov 2023 / In News and Politics

Jayda Fransen - British Freedom Party, Rwanda SCAM

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AK Kulis
AK Kulis 1 year ago

She's got it wrong. They're not doing it to prop up the economy.
How can you prop up the economy when Islam's doctrine is to leech off their hosts, to all be on welfare?
She said "we give them money, & they go spend it - but it's only a matter of time before there are not enough ppl workign to pay for the ones TAKING from it...

It IS a NWO plan. It is the Kalergi Plan of 1928. To flood all the white countries (& ONLY the white countries) of brown ppl - to make a mixed race society of slaves.
Whites are the only cultures that are advanced enough, smart enough (excluding Asians) that will resist, fight back, catch on to the plan. We KNOW the elites / Bill Gates, the WEF, the UN, WHO, Bildeberg group, Council of Foreign Relations, etc plane to wipe out over 80% of the world's population, keep the rest as slave labor....

Much easier of the population is stupid. The "Dumbing down of America" is real.
George Soros said "I am going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups. We''l put them into a mental trap & make them blame white ppl. The black community is the easiest to control." Except that even they are catching on. Logic over emotion is working.
But she is right - not fast enough. Killary said that Democrats are stupid. Well, they must be to keep voting for the left.
One thing we can do to avoid control - use cash as much as possible, no cards. CBDC will do us in.

Thank you for this. I really like her & don't see her too often.

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IGP10 558 - America - Freedom to Fascism.mp4
David Trent-Todeschini