Response to Globebusters - The Earth Still Isn't Flat
Last week I posted a video about how we know the Earth is round, from the perspective of modern astronomy. The Flat Earth community did not like it one bit, and the channel "Globebusters" decided to talk for three hours on their livestream about how stupid my video is, and how stupid I am. I didn't really appreciate that, so I decided to make a video about their video to illustrate precisely how little they know about science, and to further reinforce how utterly absurd the Flat Earth "model" is, as well as some of the finer points about the conspiracy. Enjoy!
My original video:
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Isn't it sad that these failed ball bunnies always lie to prove their point by posting bigger lies . There are several videos that show the true movement of the Sun and Moon using the same chart as this con man uses but he just doesn't understand it . Planets exist only in minds of the deceivers , using the best equipment on Earth we don't see those pretty CGI drawings as this fool presents, we see only lights ......idiots like NASA do the rest to fool the gullible ones out there. No one can reach any of those fake planets from Earth anyway, the Firmament prevents all things from leaving our Earth just like it did for those fake moon flights. Stupidity is never compulsory unless you work for the wrong team.

water always finds level, everything we build is on level no matter how big or long it is.

I disagree with your barren frozen wasteland description of Antartica. I do believe they are hiding secrets similar to the revelations brought forth by Admiral Birds diary entries on missions to the North and South Poles.

The simplest way to blow up flat Earthers is to ask where the circular shadow on a crescent moon comes from if not from a round Earth. Never been answered. Flat Earthers are mind controlled sheep that publicly fail the I.Q. test they are being given.