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Rescues Cont. In Aftermath of Turkey's Earthquakes; UK's Gender Neutral God

Resistance Chicks
Resistance Chicks - 287 Views
Published on 13 Feb 2023 / In News and Politics

World News Report- The death toll from the 7.8 magnitude and 7.5 magnitude quakes that hit south-eastern Turkey and northern Syria 9 hours apart Feb. 6 rose to 33,179 on Sunday. Officials and medics said the total is made up of 29,605 people who died in Turkey and 3,574 in Syria from Monday’s 7.8-magnitude quake. Many more thousands may still be buried under the rubble, as in many areas of the sprawling disaster zone, at hundreds of miles wide, rescue operations have only barely begun. But in a new development, "Approximately 130 people were arrested or are the target of arrest warrants issued by Turkish officials for their involvement in alleged faulty and illegal construction methods as rescue teams work to locate survivors in the wreckage of thousands of buildings downed by an earthquake nearly a week ago," The Hill reports based on regional sources.

The Church of England is going Gender Neutral- that's right, it's no longer God the Father. Nigel Farage weighs in on this and digital currencies.

It's a bird, it's a plane- now China wants in on the fun of shooting down UFO's. Jumping in on the trend, apparently, authorities in China say they have spotted and are tracking an unidentified object over waters near the port city of Qingdao. Scant details have been given, but the claim was briefly detailed in Bloomberg on Sunday, with the publication saying authorities are preparing to down the object. All this and much more on this week's World News Top Stories!

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