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Recall the Red Stars Over Hollywood with Arnold Total Recall

JamesRoss - 171 Views
Published on 10 Jan 2025 / In Film and Animation

There was a guy back in the 50s and 60s who was trying to stop the Luciferian/communists from invading mass-media entertainment. His name was Myron Fagan:

Schwarzenegger is totally a Luciferian within the brainchip-hivemind-army of minions serving Homo capensis masters of the Freemasons and Jesuits n Templars.

The point of this is to let you know that memories cannot be implanted into the brain... the brain can only give real-time recall... which is not really reacall within the brain. What happens it the mind recalls the memories from within the soul... and the brain displays the real-time effects. Brainchip cannot dig into memories of the mind nor can false memories be implanted and recalled later. Instead, an Ai brain-interface needs to feed the brain in real-time what the handler wants that brain to feel and think. AiLucifer will do all that real-time feeding once it gets strong enough.
The NWO minions are being taught lies about their fake-god's abilities. The same thing goes for cheating death with mind-uploads or soul-transfers... they are only simulated while the dead minion goes into the afterlife to meet-up with the Creator-God's representatives.

Total Recall is just more brainwashing from Homo capensis for minions to imagine their salvation-technology from life... is real when it is nothing but a joke on their egos.

These Luciferian/Freemasons will not figure out the truth until they are dead and gone from Life upon Earth, it seems.


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