"Marburg virus" - This is bill gates plan with his third shot & this is how they will take billions out!
"Marburg virus" - This is bill gates plan with his third shot & this is how they will take billions out!
Smirking bill gates of HELL promised "next pandemic will get our attention" - and here we are: Marburg "virus" that will be used to scary public again and force vaxxine mandates BUT it will be a cover for deaths and injuries caused by booster shots - STAY AWAY from KILL SHOTS & DO NOT FALL for their LIES!!
Video taken from COVID VACCINE VICTIMS AND FAMILIES. - Please share this far and wide it needs to get the attention it deserves! This is Bill Gates plan with his third shot and this is how they will take billions out if they take the 3rd booster shot.
Kieran Morrissey is very brave stepping out of his academic position to try and tell the world what is about come. We know this was coming! We truly have seen nothing yet. Winter is going to tell all!!
These people have to stop taking their Vaccines, there are absolutely no safe Vaccines, the whole vaccine industry has to collapse now so we can evolve out of this chemical mess we have been living in for the last 200 years!
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