Qantas Alan Joyce -v- Credibility
have you noticed that a lot of things are changing in the world us slaves to society have no longer any justice or freedoms have you noticed that the judges make up their own rules not forgetting the crown prosecutors and the lawyers in the back rooms playing with people's lives have you not noticed that in the second world war they hung Nazi soldiers but they didn't hang the judges who made the laws this even goes into Russia in the old days where if you asked for bread you would be hanged but if you would steal it and rape the baker's wife you'd be set free chaos is part of the New World Order and fake covid-19 with doesn't even exist just so you get an ejection of cyanide I am from the other Commonwealth Canada go seem laws you are reading and talking about the judges in those politicians and big businessmen happen here also they get the fly on their Lear Jets without a mask on they can go where they please it's a (game)