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Pulmonary Nurse Speaks Out How Covid Policy Was Killing Patients

Slawomir Slowianin
Slawomir Slowianin - 3,966 Ansichten
3,966 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 21 Sep 2021 / Im

Pulmonary Nurse Speaks Out How Covid Policy Was Killing Patients | SC Medical Affairs Committee

15th September, 2021 - This is Albert Spence, a 31-year pulmonary nurse veteran, now no longer working as a practising nurse due in large part to the changes in the hospitals' Covid policy. It is chilling to watch how Albert Spence came to realise that he was aiding and abetting the demise of patients under his care, due to the change in Covid policy - specifically the PCR Test.

Ok, he is exposing crimes and lies which is the good BUT - he says he was believing covid is serious killing everyone disease, had "covid unit" at home, etc. That says everything about medical "professionals" and education... More over - If this guy, as he promulgates, "didn't know what he was doin'," why THE FUCK was he administering drugs to people?! "Just following orders" Is not going to get people a NOT GUILTY verdict. In this guys case he thought he was helping. The only thing saving him is that he quit when he realized he was killing people.

Besides I am hearing rubbish, germ theory nonsense. How many of those patients who you saw 'cured', hero, stayed cured; because all that Rockefeller health 'care' knows (wants) what to do is dampen down symptoms, which are usually simply the body fixing itself. You a holes interfere with that. You a holes interpret the body's own, natural healing processes (inflamation, skin eruptions and other detoxification processes) as illness when in fact those are the body's ways of dealing with illness. You interrupt the body's own healing process with your toxic drugs and voodoo medical interventions and make the patient 'feel' better. The patient may walk out of your hospital feeling okay, but if you've prevented the patient from healing... - Arby

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64.jules 3 Jahre vor

RN's know WAY more then the arrogant Drs

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jimbond 3 Jahre vor

Everything that has been done by these people, Fauci etc. will be dealt with according to the Nuremberg code. Hanging was the sentence.

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jimbond 3 Jahre vor

They cranked up the false positive testing deliberately to pad the covid numbers. The Delta varient will be treated the same way. And on, and on, and on.

Damn, THIS GUY HAS COURAGE DESPITE NOT BEING IN DANGER OF LOSING HIS JOB. This lady couldn't wait. She's going to lose her job, probably.

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