Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why face masks do more harm than good.

THEY LIVE have done nothing but Distract You…
While The U.N. Military Empire “dumps” their Manufacturing WASTE into your skies my children…, many would like to BLAME the U.S. Military, and all their MADE IN THE USA Crap from the 1950’s to the 1970’s when the [Lakes and Rivers] @Qball~ /_\ overflowed with Manufacturing Waste that killed the fish, and poisoned the Watering Holes of all animal life, and the wild life in America, but you see, it is more COMPLICATED then that cause After America LOST the MUD FLOOD Wars to the Invaders from the North in the BOOK OF REVELATION {being them} / * \ from the Other Side of FLAT EARTH in our Celestial Sphere where these “Doppelgangers” Made this side of FLAT EARTH do WW1 – WW2 – World War Three, and from The Korea War in the 1950’s too the FREE MASON Lodges Attacks of September 11th, 2001 to the Destruction of {Syria in 2019} that was FORETOLD in them INK on Paper Book of Books The Holy “Biblical” of Future, Past, and Present…
Moreover, when MADE IN CHINA Launched an ICBM in 2020 A.D. to take out Beirut Lebanon’s Winter Food Storage supply, so all them HUMANS will Starve this winter in 2021 C.E. that was the day WORLD WAR FOUR was “officially” on the Books in 2020 C.E. of these U.N. FLAGS that plan out all WARS with Their Security Council, and these {Incubus and Succubus} [{**}] from the WORLD OF THE DEAD in the Old Testament, and Hell and Hades in the NEW TESTAMENT are the ones whom did so do the Great Nuclear Hydrogen War of 1853 to 1854 that ended With [Washington D.C.] being Decimated in 1855, and there are plenty of Released Photos and Movies (too show how) +=+ these FAKE JEWS the Talmud Zionist Jesuits of their Synagogue of S.A.T.A.N. from THE BOOK OF REVELATION then used these HOLLOW WOOD Movies and “total domination” of all PRINTED Media TV Screens Matter too Raise we the People in an Illusion of DIME STORE NOVELS, and Silent Movies, as we on this side {of the world} [{*}] are all Decedents of them Incubator Babies, and the {U.S. Child Labor} from 1893 to 1932 when Public Schools Became MANDATORY by our Controlled and Occupied U.S. Government…
But as soon as World War Two had ended, these INVADERS from the North known as ISRAEL in the Old Testament where it says over, and over, and over that these [FAKE JEWS] Q’ are all Evil Wicked People, and not ONE is Right in the head: cause they {come from} /-\ the Other Side of our World in this Celestial Sphere known as Planet Earth, and Through the ESTABLISHMENT of ISRAEL by the U.N. Council on Forging Relations right after WW2, the USA became a “Puppet” Banana Republic of selling Cheap MADE IN CHINA {Hollywood Crap} from all them STAR WARS Plastics that fills the Land Fills of this World to even Using NUCLEAR HYDROGEN BOMBS on the People of JAPAN whom [did not] attack the USA in WW2, as it was just one more “Faked” TV Hollywood Movie MOON LANDINGS presented as REAL’ too our delusional masses… That Spoken` the U.S. Military had to LOSE too China in Vietnam cause U.S. manufacturing was Destroying all the {Water Ways} in the USA with TOXIC WASTE Dumps, so when we lost Vietnam on INTENTION that “Machine Waste” could now be Dumped into Asian Rivers from India to Africa to South America keeping those people continually poor as the China Man and Wombman WORKED WORKED WORKED, and Working Night and Day, so they could all die in WORLD WAR FOUR that is this (COVID19) in Masonic CODE…
Now you got PLASTIC TOYS in your home my “little children” and all you’m kids in DETENTION CENTERS known as Child Protection Services Jails and Prisons, and when you look at ALL This Plastic Stuff from Styron Foam CUPS too Take Out Throw AWAY Things, what happens to all that TRASH that you could wash the Styrofoam Cups, Straws, and Plastic Soda Bottles, and RE-use them [again and again] Q+ leaving The Land, and The Water, and OUR Air too breath for the Birds and the Bees, and even the Fishes in the Seas couldn’t you.?.?.? Now my 5 year old child….., I want you to look at these CHEM TRAILS Making Patterns in the sky… Do you know what you are Actually looking at.?.?.?, does your mom or dad, or anyone??? I do… They are SPRAYING your skies with what is giving YOU your Breathing Problems, and MENTAL RETARDATION also known as the FREE MASON Lodges Code Word of (COVID19), and now you will never grow up to have children of your own cause your “Grown Ups” have lied to you about Every Thing since the day you were born!!!
Johnny Exodice
Once these U.S. CORPORATIONS from WALMART to McDonald's to Pepsi and Coke, plus many more from STAR BUCKS to Microsoft to Apple to Amazon – Tesla~ too all that PLASTIC you see in every Grocery Store from Target and Staples, and ALL THE REST of this U.S. FLAG Junk: it all makes a Deadly Waste Product that causes (COVID19) and This is the real reason “everyone” is dying in 2020 C.E. cause THEY LIVE aka These FAKE JEWS want [we the people] called WE ARE whom make U.S. Military Hollywood WAR IS MURDER Movies, and TV Shows when Murder is Bad, and Wrong, and Against The LAW, these FAKE JEWS from the Book of REVELATION known as the State of Israel are all from the OTHER SIDE of the World, and they are {the reason} you have so many Animals, and Birds, and Sea Life doing mass “DIE OFF” cause they SPRAYED too much Chemicals into your skies, and are still dumping TOXIC WASTE into YOUR Oceans my child, so now even you Can’t breath with that MADE IN CHINA Mask – Hand Sanitizer, and all these PLASTIC SIGNS making {even more} Toxic Wast……. so YOUR whole wide world will die off by 2094 C.E.
The Society of nonmason~
You see my Children` as Christ Jesus RETURNED, you are the remaining People and Populations of this WORLD as we The OLD WINES SKINS will soon die off, for we have played with PLASTIC TOYS and Products “much” longer then you……., and even though you my NEW WINE SKINS will grow up in Hard and Harsh Conditions of INJECTIONS with PLASTIC NEEDLES deep into your skin, your OLD PEOPLE [just like me] will not STOP making This PLASTIC CRAP to sell “too you” young ones whom watch all these Cartoon Anime [TV SCREENS] not knowing you will be “unable” to have children after 2030 C.E from all the TOXINS dwelling in your body right now.…
The Sentinel…
Why are the Whales and Sharks dying off with other Sea Life in the Oceans, cause their Tummies are filled with PLASTIC REMAINS of our Trash that they can not poop or piss out of their bodies, and that they can not Digest, nor get nutrients, and it builds up in their Stomachs till they all die of Starvation…
The Commander~