here is more and more death and harm done by the poison jab
here is more and more death and harm done by the poison jab

That was too long, considering the subject matter. I almost quit, knowing they were all the same (death, injuries, death, injuries...). Took me 2 days to get through it, but thank you, it was important; I had to take screenshots (of J&J + Dr's posts, etc) to send to my son that got it "so he could travel". They just think they're invincible, no matter what we say. Even showing him does nothing. So now? Stocking up on chlorophyll, NAC, White Pine needle tea (suramin) and more. Making & taking HcQ (check youtube vids for that), Dr Judy Mikovitz & Mike Adams (, The Health Ranger, Brighteon) told us how, Ytubers got it right. Need 8-10K iu a day of D3, + REAL vit C (ascorbic acid is synthetic), zink to open the cells to let the vitamins in, etc.
Dr Zelenko has supplement advice, too. Dr Judy Mikovitz says we can undo some of the damage if we act quickly, But I've been checking into detoxing heavy metals (the graphene oxide) as well as strengthening the immune system. The shots are designed to kill / wipe out the immune system, latest I've heard is by at LEAST 5% per month... Why they always said if you get the shots, you'll be dead within 3 years. Do the math.
Ppl / clients are shedding all over me & I've gotten sick (bad but the worst only lasted 2 days due to all the sht I take). check into things; do not give up hope if you cannot avoid them. & try not to be mean. Stupid ppl need more kindness. I have been saying -- SINCE THE BEGINNING -- IT IS IN THE SHOT!!! (P.S. Delta variant, MY ASS. THERE IS NO TEST FOR A DELTA VARIANT!!! Just illness in the shots!