President Trump commits to ‘orderly transition’ of power after Biden win certified
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Thank you Ms. Linda for giving us truth. 45 will always be with us. He was not perfect but God used him for a season. In God We Trust. Love you . Blessings on you & family

Notice, he did not say a smooth transition "to a Biden administration. "
I still believe it will be just like Pompeo said...a smooth transition to another Trump administration.
The crime is complete. The illegal votes were certified. Now arrests should begin soon.
Praying, and praying, amd praying!!!
Praying for the Lord's will to be done, not mine.

Thank you, Linda for all of your reporting. I watched Zoom last night (but did not sign in). I only wish I could have heard the 1st part - but thank you & may God bless you for what you did show! I live where there is no church & I cant be part of a fellowship so this is my fellowship. Thinking it wont be long before they shut all of this down & the internet, too, but for now I am so grateful for you!

Linda, thank you. ❤️ We know who really wins. Jesus.and these people aren't gonna like it but they made the choice to be evil.