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Preachers for Gun Ownership

DragonSlayer - 554 Views
Published on 06 Jul 2018 / In - Be a Swinger & Register Your Guns - Part 3

Does the Word of God have any justification for gun control or does it promote just the opposite? Only an enemy wants to take away your right to self-defense. This is a timless sermon from the early 90's that stands true today, even more so in the wake of the recent events that have spurred Obama to back a new assault weapons ban bill.

Here is an example of a false preacher in wolves clothing:
"According to TIME magazine, "Rev. Franklin Graham and other leading evangelical figures are publicly backing efforts to require background checks for all gun purchases, providing a shot in the arm to stalled congressional efforts to enact elements of President Barack Obama's gun control plan."

-Listen to all 4 Sermons: part-1 part-2 part-3 part-4

Scriptures for America Worldwide is an international outreach ministry of the LaPorte Church of Christ and is directed by Pastor Peter J. Peters. This ministry is dedicated to proclaiming the true Gospel of Christ Jesus throughout the earth, and to revealing to Americans and the Western Nations their true Biblical Identity.

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