1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/5uqmyFcStIZw/
2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/XfUTOfF
3. https://ugetube.com/watch/V4oMOGjekOxZnNS
There should be mandatory regular psychological evaluations, along with alcohol and drug tests, before entering Congress, the Senate, or any Parliament, and even before running for public office anywhere. The highest offices of any land, with the lives of millions in their hands, should uphold the highest standards. Making minimum wage employee candidates, pass drug tests and physicals, but not politicians, administrating the nations of the world, is simply insane. People can't drive under the influence, but they can still propose laws, that affect everyone, and vote on them, while intoxicated; This has to change, as with democracy, should always come the obligation of sanity, towards every electors. The highest offices in the land should uphold the highest standards, and not the lowest.
PS: Not that elections have not been rigged for a long time, with divisive theater play party politics, all for show of illusion of democracy. When Candidates of all sides are pr-approved in advance, and get funding from the same cabal, pushing their fake capitalism; We're really no better than communist countries. Stealing taxpayers' money, to give it to fascist globalist war profiteering cabal, making weapons to hand them over to foreign countries as a form of military aid, that's not capitalism or democracy, it's theft, embezzlement, and taking a cut of the war profits. In my view, major spending and decisions like any military aid to foreign countries, foreign military bases, funding any foreign Bio Labs, or going to war, all should first be approved by way of separate public referendums, especially with today's internet technology, where even borrowing used books in a library with photo ID card and password, is more secured, than or present day election, with ballot box stuffing, and increasing voter fraud, turning every elections into a total joke.
#PsychologicalEvaluation #DrugTest #Pelosi #AlcoholTest #Congress #Senate #Parliament #Politicians

1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/5uqmyFcStIZw/
2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/XfUTOfF
3. https://ugetube.com/watch/V4oMOGjekOxZnNS
There should be mandatory regular psychological evaluations, along with alcohol and drug tests, before entering Congress, the Senate, or any Parliament, and even before running for public office anywhere. The highest offices of any land, with the lives of millions in their hands, should uphold the highest standards. Making minimum wage employee candidates, pass drug tests and physicals, but not politicians, administrating the nations of the world, is simply insane. People can't drive under the influence, but they can still propose laws, that affect everyone, and vote on them, while intoxicated; This has to change, as with democracy, should always come the obligation of sanity, towards every electors. The highest offices in the land should uphold the highest standards, and not the lowest.
PS: Not that elections have not been rigged for a long time, with divisive theater play party politics, all for show of illusion of democracy. When Candidates of all sides are pr-approved in advance, and get funding from the same cabal, pushing their fake capitalism; We're really no better than communist countries. Stealing taxpayers' money, to give it to fascist globalist war profiteering cabal, making weapons to hand them over to foreign countries as a form of military aid, that's not capitalism or democracy, it's theft, embezzlement, and taking a cut of the war profits. In my view, major spending and decisions like any military aid to foreign countries, foreign military bases, funding any foreign Bio Labs, or going to war, all should first be approved by way of separate public referendums, especially with today's internet technology, where even borrowing used books in a library with photo ID card and password, is more secured, than or present day election, with ballot box stuffing, and increasing voter fraud, turning every elections into a total joke.
#PsychologicalEvaluation #DrugTest #Pelosi #AlcoholTest #Congress #Senate #Parliament #Politicians