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Pharaohs Rule: Cameron, KA-MER-ON, Khazar, Kasar, KA-SAR, KA-ME-LOT and so on

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Published on 16 Nov 2020 / In Film and Animation

THE ENEMY WITHIN IS VERY REAL. They tend to hang on to their old pharaonic names as KA-MER-ON, SAR-KA-ZY, KA-SAR, etc. The most used pharaonic words are KA, BA, ME, MER and SAR; and of course there are many others. Watch The Pharaoh Show from giureh for more.

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JamesRoss 10 months ago

It would be a group of brainchipped demolay and Job's Daughters that would combine forces to use their brainchip-hivemind to guide them where to stomp-down the crop.

What AI effectively does to the brainchipped minions is turns them into multiple digital printer-head-humans. AI supercomputer designs the Crop-Circles likely with minions using a CHAT conversation with Ai as to what the design should include. Then the team makes the circle.

You will likely discover that since Operation-Covid-19 started... the minions have their hands full and Crop--circles have drastically dropped-off in occurrences.

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