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Peterson and Epstein on Fossil Fuel Reduction Devastation (Sri Lanka Example)

JamesRoss - 330 Views
Published on 29 Jun 2024 / In Science

Man-Made climate change is a NWO-run hoax according to many worthy climatologists:

Alex Epstein expresses deep concern that Freemasons like Michael Mann can justify suggesting starving billions of non-cUlt people without offering to suicide himself, first, to help Earth survive. The gall of some Freemason thUgs? They just don't care for human hardship if they call them "goyim," first.

Haa, I added his missing words. This goes to show you that Epstein is a tad naive as to how the wicked secret societies mesmerize the sheeple so that they do not see the obvious.

You will notice that Epstein cannot be coined as a "conspiracy-theorist" by the conspiratorial-cUlt because he is only suspicious that these cUlt people must be insane rather than in a conspiracy to rise a New World Order of Utopian-thugs to create their "ThUgtopia."

Sri Lanka economic collapse is a warning to the West of the dire outcomes from listening and following the dictates of Masonic monsters who don't care if "goyim" starve.

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