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Peter Pan gets cancel culture treatment | Disney's classic now seen as offensive

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 160 Views
Published on 27 Jan 2021 / In Science

Among fears that it will be criticised as insensitive to modern audiences, Disney has rushed to restrict access to cartoon favorites for kids under 7 years old. RT looks at how childhood classics are getting the full cancel culture treatment.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 years ago  


Without the proper understanding and comprehension of the spoken and written word, you my people and children of Pak-Toe will be fooled and played by {The Racka} from the Day youm are born till the day youm are dead, and in this place of Magical “Beings” called Elves, Fairies, Warlocks, Dwarves, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Wizards, Demons, Devils, and PizzaGATE Satanist, youm will have too learn how to [kill and murder] and put too rest these NON-HUMANS: for we all share the Same Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Body TEMPLE Temporary Avatars, but there is nothing in any HUMAN religion that says it is against The RULE of LAW and ORDER “too kill” Monsters, and Doppelgangers, and even {Evil Spirits} in the Minds of Men and Wombmen from the OTHER SIDE of FLAT EARTH in our “Shared” Celestial Sphere where the INNER EARTH is filled with untold Mechanization and Technological Wonders that Controls the WEATHER on both The Northern and The Southern Hemisphere, and when you can consider “the Size” of just this side of FLAT EARTH, then you must put into Perspective the Many Cities, and Mega Structures in the INNER WORLD, yet alone The Southern Hemisphere…

Now we know these FLAGS of the UNITED NATIONS of freemason INTERNATIONALIST do not come from {we the people} on this side of FLAT EARTH, and we also know there are 2 remaining CONTINENTS in and on OUR Northern Hemisphere 7 seas oceans… We have found [common] words and CODES to speak at our FLAT EARTH Magical Academies of “offline” Gaming STUDY Rooms in our MUD FLOOD Post WAR OF THE WORLDS Reality: where this side of FLAT EARTH did war is murder with the Other Side of FLAT EARTH, and we also know that Code + Magic + Alchemy = SORCERY, and that the many are [incomprehensibly] Seduced by THE RAPTURE of these T.V. Screen BLACK MIRRORS where our “Oppressors” Dance and Sing, and Play Sports on these Television Screens seducing those whom are “Weak” in their human thoughts’ whom do not know how to look up BIG WORDS, and USE THEM when they speak, so OUR PEOPLE Act [like them] on these TV Shows, and that this is why the (COVID19) continues the JADE HELM 15 Depopulation and “Disarmament” of all remaining Human Populations in “this” USA and South America…, let alone Canada…

However, We The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition know the FREE MASON {Lodge Members} are all LOYALIST to this Capitalist System of CORPORATIONS that spray our Human Skies with TOXIC [Corporate Waste] from all their PLASTIC Take OUT Food and Styrofoam Cups, and our land Fills “overflow” with Their Chemicals from Bleach too Car Wax, and our Water from lakes to rivers too the Oceans are filled: with TRASH DUMPS of the U.S. FLAG World Police of PEACEKEEPERS with all their {U.N. Troops} and all their U.N. Predator Drones as anyone with a mind too see and hear can: see and hear that the USA is not from this SIDE of the WORLD, but the OTHER SIDE of Hades and Hell, and THE WORLD OF THE DEAD, and that all “their” Scientist play and tinker with the INNER EARTH Machinery causing Weather Madness through {HARRP and DARPA} and we know all U.N. FLAGS must bow down to the GOD OF WAR!!! For why else would there be a U.S. FLAG Military Base in EVERY Fucking Nation on this side of FLAT EARTH if the USA was “loyal” to we the nonmason HUMAN citizen populations, and not their CONTROLLERS these INTERNATIONALIST, and their “Global Citizens” doppelganger population in these FREE MASON Lodges and “their” Members.?.?.?

In all this, the USA keeps the world as their Hunger Games {Play Thing} where if China, or the U.K., or even ISRAEL does not do the Bidding of this “U.S. FLAG” then the U.S. Military Will Nuke Palestine, Nuke Russia, Use their NASA Trillion Watt Lazers to [burn] Australia into Submission of MADE IN CHINA, and when the U.S. FLAG LOST the {Korean and Vietnam} WAR on Purpose, it was only done: so the U.S. FLAG “Corporations” of Coke and Pepsi and all the rest of this Black Mirror TECH could and would be made in “Secret” in COMMUNIST China where no Regulations, and no Investigation, and NO INTERVENTION into {what happens} to all the WASTE of made in China as we see it SPRAYED in our Skies every day in every OCCUPIED Land by these U.S. FLAG [freemason] Military Bases too oppress and subjugate we the “remaindering” nonmason human populations, and if you do not continue to kill these INVADERS in Secret’ from the OTHER SIDE OF FLAT EARTH and gain access into the {D.U.M.B.S.} of these U.N. Troops that are just a FRONT for the Southern Hemisphere invaders, than WE THE PEOPLE of this Northern Hemisphere [shalt and wilt] not live to see beyond the year of 2025 let alone 2030…

Johnny Exodice

Now, if youm are too {simple minded} too look up BIG WORDS, and use them whence you speak, then all you need to know is the U.N. CORPORATION is a [Shell Company] for the USA to come here and kill, and hunt humans for Sport in ALL THE WORLD IS their Stage, and since The Show of Hunger Games must go on: the USA has all the WMD mega weapons pointed at ALL U.N. FLAGS even the Vatican must “bow down” to the will of the U.S. FLAG that did the Great Nuclear Hydrogen War of 1853 to 1854 that ended in 1855, and we have all been Raised on their LIES Agreed Upon by these MASONS {since then} and all WARS are just the USA putting your [U.N. FLAGS] and we nonmason TAX PAYING Citizens in our Place as EMPLOYEE “Debt Slave” Populations too them…

We The People “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…

The Rag Tag Rebellion…

The Society of nonmason~

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