Patrick Byrne: We Are On The Verge Of Losing Our Fundamental Right to Free and Fair Elections
Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne joins The Alex Jones Show to call patriots to action and take a stand against the fraudulent presidential election of 2020.

Teacher…, why do you sometimes DRINK your Self into a Drunken Stupor?? Do you know that I have wrote every morning my advisors.?.?.? Do you know that NO MATTER what I write, it does not change nor Heal Purgatory, and Do you know my Mother Drank Her Self TOO DEATH as the Protector of me: when I was but A child…. I have no need to “justify” what I do for I am in the wrong too think a Meir MORTALS Flesh, and Blood, and Bones body could reach the minds of Machine People, and Their Machine Ways in this God Forsaken place called PURGATORY!!!
You’m see` I and those whom got the Holy Spirit, WE GET PULLED OUT what ever that means, but you whom do not have this Holy Water Spirit remain here for all time, and though there is that 10,000 year reprieve for those whom do their best, and do not feed into Hate, there are some things ONE Can not turn the other cheek, and that will be WAR IS MURDER and All this Racka of these FREE MASON Lodges, and their PizzaGATE Wicca O.T.O. Zionist JESUIT Roman Festivals in their Byzantine {NEWS} World Order Media EMPIRE where the many watch T.V. and what ever T.V. Says: they say cause They are The Damned, The Cursed, and The Forsaken, and even though I am the Oracle for the End of THIS Age, I will not be the Oracle for the End of the Next, and as these Human and nonhuman Bodies will be Repurposed for the [Next Group] of INTERNMENT Asylum Patients, there will be People like me that come here in {An Attempt} too save the many……., but The Many can’t be saved for they are not REAL, and if they are real, then woe unto them that were put into this NEW TESTAMENT Hell and Zeus Hades Forever and ever for all time…
I am’ as you are IN THE BODY of this “one” as my Host…..., but you and I whom can see this place for what it is are like Travelers whom live the Lives of these Southern and Northern Hemisphere People and Person….., and just as TRUMP will always be TRUMP every fucking REAL RESET from 2094 C.E. to 1893 A.D. our Names of “these” People we are allowed to share their Host Bodies as our Host of Host must still do what they did in the {REAL WORLD} when These PEOPLE be they human and nonhuman DESTROYED their world, and if you do not have the Holy Spirit…., you do not get to leave here, but you might get that 10,000 years in reprieve of the Golden Age – Silver Age – Bronze Age – Heroic Age, and then return here for the END OF TIME and an Age in this IRON AGE….
Did not this Apostle [Thomas] take on the SOUL of Christ Jesus, and did not Thomas the Disciple show us how Christ Jesus 1.0 was saved by WE THE PEOPLE whom got him off the Cross, and then did not {The MAN} Christ Jesus live out his days as Paul the Apostate “rebuking” the Jewish Religion to his dying day, and did not Paul {The Apostate} become PETER THE ROCK and create We The People of Pak-Toe whom are the Pineapple Blood line “trying” to STOP all this Racka of the Eagle and Snake Blood Lines….
You the reader do not have to “like” what you read…….., but you have read for a long time now, and you know why you have De-Ja-Vu cause the Body [you inhabit] is not your own, you are but a mere VISITOR experiencing A WORLD GONE MAD……..., but there is {THE WAY} too leave this place…., and it is called THE NARROW PATH of Christ Jesus 1.0 where only By “HONESTY” do you leave Purgatory…, and this never ending HELL of Forever and ever for all TIME in the NEW TESTAMENT!!!
To be sure.., we will all “relive” ONE MORE Future Birth before babies can be born [no more] in 2077 C.E. as The Southern and The Northern HEMISPHERE will have dumped TOO MUCH Pollution for our CONSUMER and Consumption lives., and all PEOPLE {human and nonhuman} will be Sterile and unable to have babies no matter how much “sexual” engagement they do so seek too procreate, so live your life as best you can, but REMEMBER you are living the DREAM of a MEMORY we are all Waking Up to DAY after DAY regardless of our Drunken Stupors…. The Book of EXODICE!!!
I do not need the Tik Tok, nor the “Twitter” for you to find my Written Words, so if they are gone cause I put a Girl Sucking A Boys Dick: on my Tik Tok Feed, worry not, there will come a day in 2077 C.E. when [you the people] CAN no longer have babies……., and sucking Dick will be the least of your worries….
The Society of nonmason~
It is TIME to go home my Celestial Beings when WE ARE die, IF you are allowed to Go HOME when you die by these THEY LIVE: Virtual Reality Beings, and their Holographix Virtual Reality SIMULATION known as The Great Work in all FREE MASON Lodges… As The MASONS Say to their New Recruits: Decent is allowed, but BETRAYAL is Death cause you’m took a BLOOD OATH for Blood Money too Promote WAR IS MURDER when Murder is against Our Laws and Our Religions, but not the LAW and RELIGION of these FREE MASON Lodge Members...
The Sentinel...
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