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Part 4 edited Understand July 4th, Prophesy, 9th of AV July 17th, 2021

Resistance Chicks
Resistance Chicks - 419 Views
Published on 23 Jul 2021 / In News and Politics

Read Along: Inspiration of the Holy Spirit. July 4 through the 9th of Av, July 17, 2021.
Part 4 of Four Part Series Prophesies and Interpretations according to scripture. Understanding the 4th of July according to scripture to keep and enjoy your freedom! No one can Trespass on your freedoms, Life, pursuit of happiness and Liberties when you understand the 4th of July! 2 Parts are written recorded and edited. Enjoy! Remember the JOY of YOUR Salvation is your strength!
Several prophesies seem to agree on the words said, inspired by the Holy Spirit from God . No prophesy is of any private interpretation.
2 Peter is more about false prophesy than true prophesy. A false prophet is not saying words inspired by God. Or someone who hears God but gets their understanding from what they see or hear around them. Peter says they have their understanding darkened. They are like a dog that returns to his vomit.
2 Timothy 3:16, NLT: "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right." Only the Holy Spirit can do this. "Convict men of their sins".
2 Peter 1 and 2 explains the difference of a prophesy that is inspired by the Holy Spirit and one that is not.
God also cleanse the earth, the land, the animals, the water, air, the people from any defilement of men's Sin. All Free from sin. God reconciled the earth unto himself! God reclaimed dominion over all things on the earth and shared that power and authority with us.
We the People kicked the devil out
of our country, government
with God's power and Authority.
No one can accuse you of breaking a law that came from God. The Only laws that exist come from God.
Men make sure their marriages are clean free from Sin. Pure undefiled by sin.
Make sure your gold and silver coins are clean. They were gotten, created, earned without sin!
God does this through you by the love and power of his spirit in you. Then you see God! Matthew 5:28 Blessed are the pure in heart They shall see God.
Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness. Mankind has rights to live free independent lives. To own land, get married and obey God. We The People obey God by farming the land, multiplying and raising children with the knowledge of God our Father, Savior living within us. Making Mankind more than mere animals because their creator lives in them. Our "CREATOR" Speaking, communicating with us all day long. God, Jesus sharing his love, power and authority with us. God's power and authority over ALL the elements of the earth. God in man helping him take good care of the earth.

Convicting men of their sins, crimes so they humble themselves before God. Men must stop sinning, (committing crimes), turn to God and become Saints. In a free society all men must live right, and start doing the right thing. Living as good, clean minded men, Good citizens. Men must be honoring God's power and authority in everyone's life. There is only one law giver and that is God. Men should serve God and His laws only. All laws must submit to God's laws.
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