One Drop Of Water | Ralph Stanley | Lyrics
This is a famous old Bluegrass Gospel tune that reminds me of the “old time religion” music from long ago. Great banjo and fiddle playing, along with an important message as well! Hope everyone enjoys this song as much as I enjoyed making the video.
The rich man lived in luxury surrounded by his door
He’d always had the very best that money could afford
He left this world not caring about his resting place
He laid his eyes toward Heaven, but it was too late
Give me one drop of water, the rich man cried from Hell
One drop of water, but still no water fell
He always was a selfish man, his heart was filled with greed
Now a little drop of water is all he'll ever need
You can't love gold and silver and love the Saviour too
Like the eye of the needle no chance of getting through
So make your reservation before another day
For all your gold and silver will surely pass away
Give me one drop of water, the rich man cried from Hell
One drop of water, but still no water fell
He always was a selfish man, his heart was filled with greed
Now a little drop of water is all he'll ever need
There's one way to Heaven, it’s by amazing grace
Where everyone is equal no matter creed or race
So have no other Bible, and always put God first
We'll live on milk and honey, and we will never thirst
Give me one drop of water, the rich man cried from Hell
One drop of water, but still no water fell
He always was a selfish man, his heart was filled with greed
Now a little drop of water is all he'll ever need
Now a little drop of water is all he'll ever need
For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. (Luke 18:25)

Please Visit my Blog Today for a deeper spiritual meaning:
“Enter ye in…“ (Matt 7:13-14)