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North Korea shows off new submarine-launched missiles after rare party congress

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Publié le 15 Jan 2021 / Dans

Source:- Newzee

North Korea displayed what appeared to be a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) at a parade on Thursday (January 14) night, state media reported, capping more than a week of political meetings with a show of military might.
In a video aired on the North's state-television on Friday (January 15), leader Kim Jong Un, clad in a leather coat and fur hat, smiled and waved as he oversaw the parade in Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung Square.
The parade featured rows of marching soldiers, as well as a range of military hardware including tanks and rocket launchers. When the black missiles labelled Pukguksong-5 on trucks appeared, the television narration said "the world's most powerful weapon, submarine-launch ballistic missiles" entered the square.
North Korea has test-fired several SLBMs from under water, and analysts say it is seeking to develop an operational submarine to carry the missiles.
North Korean officials have been meeting in Pyongyang for the first party congress since 2016. Kim announced a new five-year plan to revitalize the economy in the face of crises caused by anti-coronavirus measures, natural disasters, and international sanctions over the nuclear and missile programs.

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