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True Grit Part 2 | Crossfire Healing House

None Dare Call it Conspiracy Clips - Part 270

pacmanpacks - 417 Views
Published on 17 May 2024 / In News and Politics

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This is part 270 of this series.

In Loving Memory of Gary Allen

The "None Dare Call it Conspiracy Clips" Project

The title for this series is inspired by the book "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" (1971) :

None Dare Call it Conspiracy - FULL Audio Book



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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 2 months ago

Hello m8, put it this one up and did some PR today in our group, seems to have given u just extra views indeed!? Got more and other ideas so next im going to try and other method with the next one!

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pacmanpacks 2 months ago

EVERYTHING I every had uploaded over the years got deleted 3 years ago when I went to jail - I put what I had up again so I have a torrent section still:

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pacmanpacks 2 months ago

If you know how to get this series on torrent please do it or let me know how WITHOUT having to share it on my PC like I do now.

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 2 months ago

@pacmanpacks: hello my friend, sorry for the delay, getting to understand ye better and now that ye told me ye even had to go inside for this? and as i explained this hisyory of our radio station..pirate all the way for 99.5% to be honest, there is always points and facts where ye have to not read but write! between the lines! ;)..But wouldnt it be better to not do this here and chat a bit more private, they always can get to annything and im obviously also not THE hero with all possibilities but i already can think of many, i can organise this, u know in an educative way etc ;) shall we continue on (still) secure email or got better suffestion like Chats and video confing on eg Signal free app? All what ye done and what i seen is bang up my alley as we say here, only problem with the tests i done so far by sharing not your page but direct linking to the video files of it out the code and haven spoken to some heads in my teams is as pirates we are mainly also anerchists and pretty against christian crap, sorry to call it that way but i can also vouch it was christains who helped me when i needed to get out the shit 40 years ago, drop me a line via [email protected] ? even if its to say to drop it if ye could if no interest, but torrents can be hidden in so many countries who dont give a shit about em and theres ye host, like we had 4 servers for our pirate radio station they had to accept etc. Look forward to a reply! Keep fighting man we will get those who need to pay and admit! Love and Light will ldo it xx

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 2 months ago

@pacmanpacks: PS if ye still sharing it from yer own machine they just killed yer account coz ye went in for something but not specificly that so that gives me immediately the feeling we can rework it in many places or they would have taken all yer stuff and even look underground the normal net too and so its pretty safe, trust! letme know what the total capacity is of all you want back online and not on your machine, think i told ye i got friends at Def Con and they can host it in the pentagon itself if they want ;) better maybe wipe this comment after reading it if ye think its dangerous! ;)

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 2 months ago

@pacmanpacks: please read the rest of my posts and email me and i will sort it

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 2 months ago

i need much more info..what total space is needed for all the clips you got, are u willing to spend anything on it and fi so howmuch and others info's in private so e me [email protected]

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pacmanpacks 2 months ago

@eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs: I don't know anything about all this today really, I used to post on piratebay decades ago before it got censored world wide and all that. The only reason I began to think about torrent again, was because of all the peer-tube video sites popping up - They let the first users steam from the site, the rest will stream from other users watching. I was thinking about just making already uploaded videos able to download directly from torrent with a hashtag or some shit like that:

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 2 months ago

@pacmanpacks: hey bro easy to do! pirate bay i still use sometimes and never stopped..a simple search via duckduckgo is the pirate bay via a proxy, or proxy pirate bay etc!..some is ads..when they open ye got the close shortcut ready as eg this one only works every second its search - close window - carry on searc- close window- and so on and on..but now i use or much better There hundreds man, just read the included text files rom dl'd torrents and ye find the real good ones, even via TOR and onions skins. PS i was hoping to get an email from ye..just few propositions for ye..drop us a line? [email protected] or ye ye dontt care i could blatanttly put it here but then others might bause the suggestions etc, peace man

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 2 months ago

ill make the email real simple..with multiple choice for answers so ye click 10 answers and i know the score and its only 10 secs for ya? ;)

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