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New Online Threats For Reporting Criminals Who Abuse Dogs In Jacksonville

Publishing House
Publishing House - 257 vistas
257 vistas
Publicado en 26 Oct 2024 / En Animales de compañía

The people associated with this address go into their car to grab weapons they take to chase down the public walking down the street and make false accusations. Sometimes the morbid obese female with tats and brown hair yells threats at the public walking by.

They can't change, criminals can only complain and harass us if we report on their crimes and make false threats crying wolf to the taxpayer funded services. They say they film the public walking by but never release the video. We walk, drive, bus, bike, and even run by their house every day for years but they make false threats they will come out when we do. We, including many in the community, already did today!

Nuisance Abandoned Dog Abuse Neglect After Hurricane Milton 5323 San Juan Ave Jacksonville FL 32210

Everyone can record what they do walking down the public sidewalk. When there is a crime like animal abuse, the public is REQUIRED and MANDATED to report on that crime or we can be punished for not reporting it. This criminal is demanding that your publishing house removes evidence of an ongoing multi-year crime!

Even the evil google takes images of the outside of their house but this was before they trashed it.

Criminals never change.

No one cares what you do criminal. Your cry wolf threats and fake police reports are usual for those who can't address their problem.

"Everyone should be able to walk down our taxpayer funded Jacksonville sidewalks without being harassed by violent aggressive dogs."
And Everyone should also be able to have a dog that barks at people acting strangely like you do outside our home!
Recording our home and posting it online with our address, making up lies that we are animal abusers and criminals, shame on you!
Next time you do this im coming out!
You have no right to harass and endanger dog owners like this, ive seen your other videos, they also have no evidence of dog abuse , just barking at you! You must get it a lot, Dogs know when someone has bad intentions- they know!!!

No, morbid obese criminal, I'm not 'hanging around' anywhere and even the hookers that bike by complain about your dog abuse for years. How about you change your ways? You can't because you are a criminal who associates with other criminals and can't change.

This guy is just harassing us and possibly trying to get others to cause us harm. As can be seen in the video the dog is just barking at him because hes always hanging around.
He posts our home address online, what a spiteful and horrible person. What hooker?
Take our personal info off Publish! There is no animal abuse happening your making it up. Our dog doesnt trust you, get used to it im sure you get it a lot because they notice people with bad intentions!

Is this your house? If so you are a bunch of child and dog abusing criminals. Even the hooker have complained about your dog abuse and neglect for YEARS!

Nuisance Abandoned Dog Abuse Neglect After Hurricane Milton 5323 San Juan Ave Jacksonville FL 32210

Not only do you abuse dogs but you also abuse your neighbors, bring pervs over around children, leave trash everywhere daily blocking sidewalks, and enable criminal behavior. We are all mandated reporters and your address is part of the required report. You also cry wolf and claim you are reporting strangers to the police for no reason at all. Now you are harassing me online for reporting it in a legal way.
You prove your neglect and criminal abuse daily. Anyone that walks by 24 hours every day even a block away suffers from your nuisance property today and for years! Could go there right now and the same thing would happen. Change your ways criminals...but you can't.

This is the guy that walks up our street and for some reason our dog flips out and barks its arse off at him. Instead of to just keeping walking, he stops and videos our house and films us and our dog then he posted it all over the bloody internet with our home address in the title!!!
What did we do to deserve being called animal abusers "Publish"? We have been fostering dogs for 35 years and how dare you lie about us abusing dogs. He shows no proof, its just like in this video he makes things up off the top of his head and its just manipulating lies.
Shame on you, take our address off the internet you horrible person, stop harassing people just going about their lives while you live on welfare making this spiteful nonsense!

Animal Care and Protective Services
2020 Forest St. Jacksonville, FL 32204
(904) 630-CITY (2489)


There are many friendly neighbors in Jacksonville with dogs who do not attack the public 24 hours every day for years walking by and then attack the person reporting them but this location is different because of the ongoing nature of the problem, the threats at the public reporting them, and the attacks to the people walking by on the sidewalk. Many people including known local female prostitutes have complained about this dog abuse harassment and neglect for years.

There has been many 'males' and small hispanic hookers at this location for years. One fat male associated with this location goes to the boat launch to pick up the small child looking latina females late at night. Another skinny male that may use fen or meth with tats makes threats to the public and yells false claims at strangers. Another male with long curly brown hair allows the dog to bar at EVERY person that walks by starting sometimes at two blocks away. One might think there was a gang here but it may just be new sex buddies around the child abducted from their father. This happens to everyone including every race, every age, and even people on bikes going quickly. The abused dog is sometimes kept in a cage and sometimes it is not. One of the dogs appears to suffer from malnutrition and too tired to bark and the other dog behaves like it will bite and kill a child walking by with or without an adult.

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