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MUST SEE! - THE ENDGAME Of "The Elite" - CAN IT BE STOPPED - David Martin - 72777

agentofchange - 167 vistas
167 vistas
Publicado en 11 Nov 2021 / En

Dr. David Martin explains the legal concept of how the EUA(Emergency Use Authorization) used to push the killer JAB that "they" call a "covid19 vaccine" and how that EUA order MIGHT be stopped which SHOULD bring a sudden legal halt to all the so-called "mandates" and hence all the injection mania.

Know this however, many others have been saying the same thing for almost 2 years once everyone realized the lockdowns, mask issues and mandates were never going away - and nothing has changed YET. But here's what has to happen:

First the AG's(Attorney Generals) have to actually pull the trigger, BUT, then they are all still at the mercy of the JUDGEMENT of the Courts - IF the AG's that he's putting his hope in will actually pull the trigger(I'm not holding my breath); what I see happening is the lower courts ruling against it(after possibly dragging it out as long as the legally can), then it'll get appealed on up the chain with the same result until it gets to the Supreme Court.

But keep this in mind: 6 of the 9 Justices are devout Roman Catholics and all have Jesuit schooling or direct connections to Jesuit leadership in the Vatican and as all Catholics have, they have pledged an allegiance to the dude in the WIZARD outfit ABOVE any other, including above the U.S.A. and it's Constitution . And whether it's their Jesuit vows or their Freemason, Skull & Bones or other secret society oaths, just know that ultimately they do not serve YOU or me but are bound to their masters who serve another god.

The Pope and the Vatican repeatedly make it adamantly clear that ALL Catholics have the "DUTY" to be "vaccinated", and they are very vocal about it.

So think of the possible fallout from the Justices point of view; think of the big pharma and insurance industry's (and many others) LOST money, LOSS control of the "plan", the possibility of even more people waking-up to not just the fake-demic deception but the "Germ/Virus Theory" fraud and the many OTHER deceptions these same people are behind...

Think of the ramifications of the self proclaimed "elites", most above the age of 70 knowing their days are numbered and knowing that EVERYTHING that them and their predecessors have planned for the last 200+ years is all for NOTHING! And like DM alluded to, there's no one left in their lineage with the will, clout or ability to even continue on and carry the torch - NOW IS THEIR TIME, it's do-or-die and "they" know it...

So, WHO do you think the Justices are more afraid of, the masses who mostly have no clue to what's really happening and can't even organized a proper protest, let alone the will to pull themselves away from farmville for more than 2 hours..., or the Justices exceedingly DESPERATE puppet-masters who can possibly snuff them and their families out on a sadistic whim because "they" really have nothing to lose? Which way do you see the Justices ruling?, and even if it's blatantly obvious that they ruled outside of the law and firmly on the side of the NWO agenda, so what, whos going to report it in the MSM as anything but "major a victory for the people". AND, it would take a 2/3 majority of House and Senate according to the constitution to even overturn an SC ruling - and I don't see that kind of moral political will of that particular group of spoiled morons in congress to ever do that, or even have the numbers to do it.

Now, IF(and this is a huge if), the ruling came to stop the EUA, then ALL momentum of the ongoing WORLDWIDE NWO "plan" is lost, and right now, there are no good or logical reasons that this fake-demic train keeps moving OTHER than the Law of Momentum, and to mix my metaphors, once half baked popcorn kernels cool down, there is zero chance of those kernels ever popping again... If it stops now, it'll take generations to get it back to what they currently have in motion. I'm quite sure THEY know this.

Okay, now that I've voiced the reality of such a thing, there's only one thing left to do - pray for it to happen, and ask yourself, are we in a Jonah/Nineveh situation? or are we in a Abraham/Sodom situation?

Because without Yah being in it, I don't see it turning around. But we can still pray, and unlike what David Martin said in this video about his philosophy on "hope", I still have some hope, and I'm willing to push it as long as people realize that nothing in logic says it'll work, it'll ONLY be by the grace of Yah if this train stops now.

One last thing, I do not fully endorse David Martin or any of the people that I send you all videos of, like most videos I send you, I send them because I believe that it contains some truth that I know most people likely won't hear elsewhere - so don't focus on the person, only THIS particular information for now.


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