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MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO EVER- Nicole Sirotek, Nurse in New York, explaining in minutest details about the hospital management encouraging murdering of the patients and how they are not treating

Times of Truth
Times of Truth - 2,799 Views
Published on 04 May 2020 / In People and Blogs

Nicole Sirotek, a brave Nurse in New York, explaining in minutest details about the hospital management encouraging murdering of the patients and how they are not treating for coiv-19.

Life of this brave nurse is in danger after
releasing this video. She would be soon forced
to commit her own suicide.

Time to wake up from the deep slumber and raise voice against covid19 fraud before its too late.

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Ted B
Ted B 5 years ago

Such a brave and caring lady, deserving of our prayers. We shouldn't be surprised. For example, a profession that can butcher new born babies for body parts, is capable of any evil. Once human life is devalued to this extent, every single one of us is at risk of similar treatment. If we remain silent in these circumstances, we will deserve what we get.

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istudios 5 years ago

This is sickening to hear. They're b*****ds! Thank you for your compassion and your bravery, Nicole! Be careful! Watch your back. Praying for you.

Folks, do NOT got to hospital for anything. If you need professional medical attention, get your family doctor to make house calls and/or use home remedies. Do NOT take the test, especially if you have pre-existing conditions.

If you end up in hospital, they will immediately isolate you and not allow ANY visitors, even if you die. They will NOT give you appropriate care. The evidence is in this video. I'm only a layman, but this is what I would do.

(1) DEMAND that a family member, hazmat-suited if necessary, accompany you 24/7 throughout your stay.

(2) You will be asked to sign a 'Do Not Resuscitate' consent form. Do NOT EVER sign it. That consent means they can legally kill you with lack of care and your family cannot take legal action against them.

(3) Get the family member to voice-record ALL verbal exchanges with ALL hospital staff, no matter how brief, and videotape ALL treatments and medications given to you. Not sure about USA law, but in my country, we are legally allowed to record conversations secretly *provided* the other person/s represent their organisation.

(4) DEMAND a doctor-certified list of ALL medications, procedures and treatments given to you. Take pictures of all documents from them, to prevent them from destroying or falsifying documents. Store or download the data elsewhere a.s.a.p.

(5) DEMAND that you be allowed to continue with and be prescribed your usual prescribed medications for your pre-existing condition.

(6) DEMAND that under no circumstances will you be put on a ventilator. Or else, you and/or your family will sue them.

(7) If the hospital refuses any of the above, INSIST on an immediate discharge, transfer to a hospital of your choice or into the care of your family doctor. Write them an indemnity letter and tell them you will indemnify them if you are discharged. Be ready for them to refuse and to call the cops.

(8) If they refuse to discharge you, call the police to the hospital and make a police report of being harassed, intimidated, bullied and denied proper, patient-appropriate medical care. You need a police report if you are going to sue them.

(9) If the hospital or police are being difficult and try to block you, call your lawyer down to the hospital and/or to accompany you when you make the police report.

(10) Call the MSM, alternative media and citizen journalists down to the hospital and tell your story.

(11) If you take legal action against them, ask for a court trial. Do not settle out of court as that enables them to hush up the case.

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